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Washington Politicians Had Their Own House of Prostitution in 1800’s: Historical Facts

American Indian Museum in Washington DC Is Built On Top of a House of Prostitution Pluto Rules Prostitution: Mary Ann Hall (1815 – January 29, 1886) ran a successful brothel from the 1840s until about 1878 at 349 Maryland Avenue S.W., Washington, D.C.. This House of Prostitution was about five blocks west of the United […]


Tertiary Moon Transiting Houses One thru Three.

How to Interpret The Tertiary Moon in Houses Tertiary Moon: The Tertiary Moon moves approximately about 1/2 a degree per day. It depends upon Long or Short Ascension as to how long the Tertiary Moon stays in a house: This is approximately 1 1/2 month in each house or sign.   As the Tertiary Moon […]


Trump Tertiary Transit Chart For 2/24/25 thru 8-25-25

Trump’s Major Success Coming Soon 2/24/25 thru 8-25-25. The Tertiary Moon has been transiting the Natal Chart of Trump’s Inauguration Chart since February 8, 2025 in a negative Square. The first hit was the MH on 2/8/25 when all the negative publicity began from the Democrats, Liberals and Socialists in Europe. This will continue till […]


Venus Retrograde Time Again

Venus Retrograde March 1-27 in Aries entering Pisces March 27 to April 12 then Direct How To Survive A Venus Retrograde in 2025 1. One of the Important things of this Transit of Venus is not make impulsive decisions about relationships. This is the time when you will screw up big time if you are […]


Neptune in Aries: Religion and The Draft

Neptune in Aries 2025 – 2039 As Neptune moves into Aries next month, a new Revolution is brewing regarding Religion is in the making. Religion needs to update to a newer version or there will be a “Revolution in Religion”. This also includes Astrology and other Psychic practices. A good example is Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism […]


Ceres the Dwarf Planet Repeater of Fixed Star Light Energy

Ceres enters Aries In May 2025 Ceres is a Dwarf Planet and is smaller than Pluto but does have a core and a mantle. It is approximately 585 miles in diameter. Ceres has a Gravitational Field of 0.284 m/s2 which makes it a genuine repeater for Fixed Star Light Frequency Energy. In comparison to the […]


Uranus Retrograde and Turns Direct January 31, 2025

Uranus Goes Direct and Conjuncts The Fixed Star Algol Today, January 19, 2025, Uranus is Retrograde at 23°19 Taurus and getting ready to go Direct on January 31, 2025. It will travel thru April when it hits 25°0 and begins the conjunction with the Fixed Star Algol. The Fixed Star Algol, also known as the […]


Tertiary Moon Prediction: Possible Serious Problems Ahead This Month

Possible Mass Transit Accident or Large Scale Fire Tertiary Moon: The Tertiary Moon moves approximately about 1/2 a degree per day. It depends upon Long or Short Ascension as to how long the Tertiary Moon stays in a sign: This is approximately 1 1/2 month in each house or sign. Let’s do an example of […]


Trump’s 2025 Presidential Inauguration Updated

Presidential Inauguration Chart This is a very interesting chart and very powerful. Sun/Pluto conjunction in the 2025 Presidential Inauguration has the effect of making wide ranging changes that will benefit all Americans. This chart is for 12:04 PM in Washington, DC. It is the corrected chart. This is a very powerful chart, if you can […]


How To Learn Astrology The Easy Way

Learning Astrology Is Easy If You Apply Yourself​ If you want to learn Astrology, you must immerse yourself in it. Stop looking at your chart, you are prejudice and will not see the truth. Astrology is a language to be learned, not a hobby. If you think Astrology is a hobby to tinker in, take […]


Health Predictions For 2025

The Future of People’s Health With Saturn and Neptune in Aries​ The scary truth is all about people sitting behind a computer/cell phones who have never in their life had a organic garden to tend to but love to quote a YouTube video about growing vegetables. They eat highly processed Fake Meat and other lab […]


The United States 2nd Pluto Cycle and Its Expansion into Outer Space

The United States Begins Leading The World Toward The Moon When a country begins their first Pluto Cycle: Example: USA (27 Cap in US. Chart), it only gets better as to its expansion into the future. Pluto in Aquarius is expansion into the unknown. The first Pluto Cycle for the United States into the unknown […]


Pluto in Aquarius: Beginning of a New Exploration Age

Pluto in Aquarius: History Always Repeats Itself Pluto in Aquarius Pluto Cycles: Right now we are in the beginning of the 3rd Pluto Cycle which began in 1532. 1532, the Spanish were invading S. America and Central America along with the Portuguese in Brazil. The Slave Trade began with the Spanish and the Portuguese as […]


Astrologers Were Using The Wrong Birth Time of Donald Trump to Predict The Election

Donald Trump’s Correct Birth Time Most Astrologer’s were wrong in their prediction of Donald Trump losing the election on November 5, 2024. Their error was the wrong birth time. The correct time is 9:51 am EDT not 10:54 am EDT. I discovered the discrepancy when I visited Christine Arens Facebook page and she had an […]


Pluto in Gemini at Time of Caesar’s Assassination

Pluto in Aquarius When Trump Assumes the Presidency Recently read a post with a comparison of Trump to Caesar. The problem being that Pluto is in Aquarius (2025 AD) when he assumes the Presidency. Caesar was assassinated when Pluto was in in Gemini (March 15, 44 BC). I do not mean to point fingers but […]


Pluto in Scorpio: Millennials (1983-1995) Time to Pay The Piper

Pluto in Aquarius: Good Times Are Over For The Millennials Pluto in Scorpio Generation are in for a rude awakening. Pluto in Aquarius is here to kick your butt. Air and Water do not mix so your passion and intensity is not going to work anymore. It will be a hindrance in your life’s struggle […]


Tertiary Moon: One of the Best Prediction Tools in Astrology Using Hurricane Charts

How Tertiary Moon Charts Prove They Work Using Hurricane Charts Information on Hurricane Milton in Florida 2024 Hurricane Milton: Milton made landfall at on or about October 9 at approximately 8:30 p.m. near Siesta Key, Florida. It was a Category 3 hurricane with winds of 120 mph. Milton quickly weakened over land before emerging into […]


Warning Rated XXX: Kamala Harris: She Made The Best Decision of Her Life

Kamala Harris: Should I Sign My Life Away To Them or Should I Go My Own Way Everyone is upset that Kamala Harris lost the election, the truth being, she did not want to be the President of the United States. She liked being the Vice President. Everyone one else wanted her to be President. […]


Tertiary Moon: One of the Best Prediction Tools in Astrology

How Tertiary Moon Charts Prove They Work Information on Hurricane Andrew in Florida 1992 Hurricane Andrew: At 04:55 EDT on August 24, 1992, Andrew struck Elliott Key as a Category 5 hurricane, with winds of 165 mph. Passing directly through the cities of Cutler Bay and Homestead in Dade County, the hurricane stripped many homes […]


How To Prove If Time of Astrology Chart is Right

Tertiary Moon Prediction Method One of the biggest problems facing Astrologers regarding incorporation dates of States is when they were admitted into the Union. Using the Tertiary Moon is an easy way to prove or disprove this date. Example: State of Alabama became a State on December 14, 1819 when the James Monroe was President. […]


What Is Saturn In Pisces Showing Us?

Saturn in Pisces: The Need For Psychological Counseling Saturn in Pisces: Pisces rules the unseen world of reality. Looking at the Internet and calls from past clients, I guess Saturn in Pisces is revealing all the people who need Therapy. Astrologers are not Therapists and need to refer these types of people to a professional. […]


StarTrax Millennium Was Used to Predict the Defeat of Kamala Harris

Alphee Lavoie: The Creator of StarTrax Millennium Was Used to Predict Defeat of Kamala Harris Alphee Lavoie is one of the greatest Astrologers and Astrology Software creators in the 21st Century. He created StarTrax Millennium V.7.2 that enabled me “The Lunar Man” to predict the defeat of Kamala Harris on November 5, 2024 using the […]


What Is The Fixed Star Zosma?

How The Fixed Star Zosma Can Help In Your Life. Fixed Star: Zosma 11°39’ Virgo Leo Constellation Declination 20°23’ Zosma is located on the back of the Lion. These people are smart with the strength and courage to be themselves. If handled in a positive way, this leads to improvement in your life and leadership […]


What Is The Fixed Star Denebola?

Denebola Is Located 21°58’ Virgo: Denebola is a Fixed Star located in the Lion’s tail of the Leo Constellation. If this star is tied to you in your chart in a positive way, it gives you the ability to make fast decisions based upon your intuition. People have a sense of confidence in you when […]


What Will Harris Do Regarding Her Dilemma With Denebola?

Do I Sign With The Devil or Do I Go My Own Way? The Tertiary Moon (11/1/24) is now conjunct the Natal Pluto and moving forward to the Tertiary Pluto/Uranus conjunction. This represents the choice she will have to make within the next few days. Pluto is the “Devil in Disguise” who gives us choices. […]


Fixed Stars Influence in the Astrology Chart

How Fixed Stars Influence the Planets Fixed Stars: Most people think that the Fixed Stars are bad such as Algol. Let me be clear about Fixed Stars, they are all good and act like an amplifier in the chart. If you have a Fixed Star conjunct a badly aspected Planet such as Mercury, the person […]


Fixed Stars and Modern Meanings

Fixed Stars Need Updating to 21 Century Fixed Stars: For a Fixed Star to be active in your chart, it needs to be within an orb of one degree either direction. This is a precise measurement in the chart, not the usual crap shoot some Astrologers use. It can have an impact on any planet […]


Fixed Star: Bellatrix 21° 19″ Gemini

How The Fixed Star Bellatrix Works Fixed Star Bellatrix at 21°19″ Gemini:  This star give the ability to achieve high positions such as a CEO, Civil Servant or in the Military. These people like to achieve positions of power thru hard work. They exhibit competitiveness and have a quick mind that is very organized. Their […]


Kamala Harris: 10/5/24 Update Presidential Election Chart

Why Kamala Harris Will Not Win The Election? Update on Kamala Harris’s Chart. Today is 10/5/24. The Tertiary Moon is conjunct the bottom of the Chart as of today. I was wondering what would be her downfall, it is all the negative publicity of Hurricane Helene. The lack of response by the Biden/Harris Administration is […]


Fixed Stars: Why The Fixed Stars Are Affecting The Weather

Weather Events Caused By Fixed Stars Fixed Stars: One of the most controversial topics in Modern Day Astrology is Fixed Stars. Modern day Astrologers have replaced the time tested Fixed Stars by rocks from the Asteroid Belt. Fixed Stars have a history of research back thousands of years where the rocks called Asteroids only go […]


How Fixed Stars Work

Fixed Stars Work In Specific Ways Fixed Stars: A Planet in your chart that is conjunct. opposition, parallel or contra-parallel to a Fixed Star is acting like a receiver for the energy from that Fixed Star. It is the same as when your Smart Phone receives a text or a phone call from someone else. […]


Fixed Stars-How They Guide Your Life

Why Do Fixed Stars Change Circumstances in Your Life The Fixed Stars are the Universe talking to you thru energy manifestation. These manifestations are being transmitted to the Planets in the Universe and then amplified into your lives. These energies hit the Planets such as Mars or Venus and are amplified by the Planet; like […]


Kamala Harris: 9/26/24 Update Presidential Election Chart

Update: Still Wondering: Will Kamala Harris Win The Election? Update on Kamala Harris’s Chart. Today is 9/26/24. The Tertiary Moon is opposition to her Natal Saturn in the Ninth House. This is the House of communicating with others. The Public is questioning her ability to be President due to her failure with Joe Bidden to […]


Power Points of The Astrology Chart

What Are Power Points in the Astrology Chart? Are you familiar with the parts of the horoscope laid out on the ecliptic. This is important to understand. These are all mathematical points on the Astrology Chart or as understood as Power Points of the Chart. The Ecliptic is very important due to the Sun’s travel […]


Size Does Matter in the Universe of Fixed Stars and You

Fixed Stars and The Universe Fixed Stars: Looking at the Night Sky, you see the Constellations with the Fixed Star figures embedded in them. This was the beginning of Astrology and should be the beginning of every astrologer’s knowledge of the Fixed Stars. As an Astrologer, without this knowledge of the Constellations and Star Figures […]


Kamala Harris: 10/21/24 Update Presidential Election Chart

Update: Will Kamala Harris Win The Election? Update on Kamala Harris’s Chart. Today is 9/21/24. The Tertiary Moon is conjunct the bottom of the Chart on 10/6/24. This is the time of “Dark Night of the Soul”. If you understand Saturn transiting the Fourth House, this is the same meaning. This is going to be […]


Are You A Nymph()Maniac in Astrology?

What is a Nymph()Maniac in Astrology Let’s talk about Asteroids today, #48 Doris was discovered by Hermann Goldschmidt on 9/19/1857. It is one of the nymphs who were the three thousand daughters of the Titans, Oceanus and Tethys. Its size is 172 miles X 88 miles. Wow, a little tiny thing but it is suppose […]


What Is A Refranation?

Refranation: What Is It In Astrology? Now we are going to explore the term in Astrology called a Refranation. This aspect occurs when you are expecting something to happen but it does not. This term usually applies in Horary but it can also happen in other types of charts. What happens is the faster Planet […]


What is Ganymede in Astrology?

What Does Ganymede Represent in Astrology? Ganymede, the largest moon in our solar system, surpassing even the size of Mercury, possesses a unique characteristic: its very own magnetic field. In ancient mythology, Ganymede, a mortal of extraordinary beauty, captivated the attention of Zeus, who appointed him as the cup bearer to the gods. Ganymede symbolizes […]


How To Read A Tertiary Dimensional Chart

What Is A Tertiary Dimensional Chart Let’s start out by saying, the Tertiary Chart is read like the Saturn Transit Chart. As Saturn goes over the Descendant, you are moving more into the Public Life and Success that culminates when Saturn reaches the Mid-heaven. For an Astrologer to understand, they must be past their First […]


Kamala Harris: Update Presidential Election Chart

Update: Will Kamala Harris Win The Election? Update on Kamala Harris’s Chart. Today is 9/7/24. The Tertiary Moon is approaching the Natal Mars in Leo. One of her problems is that she cannot get past herself when she speaks. This means that she wants to say one thing but it comes out different. She is […]


Out of Bounds Moon For September 2024

Moon Out of Bounds in September 2024 A planet is Out of Bounds when its Declination is beyond the limits of the Sun, that is greater than 23 degrees and 27 minutes of Declination which is can be North or South Longitude. The manifestation of the energy of any Planet that is Out of Bounds […]


Asteroids Are Fake Astrology

Why Are Asteroids “Fake Astrology”? How Many Asteroids Are There in the Asteroid Belt? If you believe in Asteroids, you have been sold a bill of goods by people wanting to sell more books. There are no studies to prove their point. Ex: One Astrologer said that their planet was conjunct the Asteroid Raine and […]


Neptune in Aries: Is The Draft Going To Be Reinstated

Neptune In Aries Saturn in Pisces says “Lets come out of the clouds to Saturn’s World”. Lets go back in the history of Neptune in Aries. During the Civil War, they had a hard time getting people to enlist to fight the war. (Sound Familiar) The politicians created a game plan to correct this problem. […]


What Is A Lunar Return Chart?

Lunar Return Chart Hi, This is “The Lunar Man”. I am here to talk to you about Lunar Returns and how they affect you. The Lunar Return begins when the transiting Moon conjuncts the Natal Moon in your Natal Chart. It occurs approximately 13 times a year depending upon your location on the Earth. This […]


Will JD Vance Be Elected Vice President?

JD Vance and the Election The Tertiary Chart for JD Vance is a good indicator if he will be elected or not. It is one of the Primary Indicators of the success in one’s chart. If you have been doing charts for a long time, you will always use the Tertiary Chart for predictive work […]


Out of Bounds Moon For August 2024

Moon Out of Bounds in August 2024 A planet is Out of Bounds when its Declination is beyond the limits of the Sun, that is greater than 23 degrees and 27 minutes of Declination which is can be North or South Longitude. The manifestation of the energy of any Planet that is Out of Bounds […]


Will Donald Trump Be Elected President Again?

Donald Trump and the Election The Tertiary Chart for Donald Trumps is a good indicator if he will be elected or not. It is one of the Primary Indicators of the success in one’s chart. If you have been doing charts for a long time, you will always use the Tertiary Chart for predictive work […]


Will Kamala Harris Be Elected President?

Kamala Harris and the Election The Tertiary Chart for Kamala Harris is a good indicator if she will be elected or not. It is one of the Primary Indicators of the success in one’s chart. If we examine this chart (See Below), we are watching the Tertiary Moon and its advancement in the chart. If […]


Does Kamala Harris Have A Void of Course Moon?

Kamala Harris’s Void of Course Moon Kamala Harris was born with a Void of Course Moon (50″). The time in the chart is so close to Void of Course that any delay in filing her Birth Time would result in this error. Yes, I know that she has a Rodden Rating of Excellent but 1964 […]


How To Predict The Presidential Election

Predicting The Presidential Election The Presidential Election Chart is the date of the beginning of the Election. This date is 11/5/2024 at 7 AM in Washington DC. This is the Official Date of the Election for the Office of the President. This is the only chart you need to look at to see what will […]


What Does Vertex In Aries Mean?

Vertex in Aries Vertex: The Vertex in Aries people are known for their ability to lead people. They are creative, have strength of character an are risk takers. They are the Doers of the Universe with lightening fast minds. If you challenge them, they will not be afraid to showing you their reason why. They […]


What Is The Vertex In An Astrology Chart?

Where Is The Vertex In Your Chart? Vertex: The Vertex is the intersection of the Prime Vertical and the Ecliptic. It is located in the Western Part of the Birth Chart. It is the point in your chart of Deja Vu. When activated during transits or progressions, you will meet certain people, places or things […]


What Is The Astrological Ruler of Ears?

Astrological Ruler of Ears Ears are ruled by the Mercury. Right Ear is Saturn, Left Ear is Mars. Co-ruler of Both Ears is Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Ears. What Is An Ear? Ear: The organ that is responsible for the sense of hearing and body balance in […]


“Astrology With No Planets Involved”

The Grand Cross of Houses In Astrology? A grand cross is formed by Four Houses that work together. I am not talking about Planets, am talking about how all Houses have a Grand Cross Configuration. This chart is easy to read and will benefit you in the long run. Open your Minds to a New […]


What Rules a NoMobilePhobia in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of a NoMobilePhobia NoMobilePhobia is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of a NoMobilePhobia is Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of NoMobilePhobia.   What Is NoMobilePhobia? Understanding NoMobilePhobia NoMobilePhobia, also known as Mobile Phone Phobia, is the term used to describe the fear or anxiety that individuals experience when […]


Ideal Partner For A Libra Ascendant

Aries 7th House: Libra: Your partner and other people will exhibit confidence and determination. You must learn to cultivate these attributes within yourself. You have a tendency to avoid being confrontational with others. Thus you are attracted to partners who possess a sense of assertiveness and to the point or straightforward. They can be also […]


What Rules a Flooding in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of a Flood Floods are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of a Flooding is Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Floods. What Is A Flood? Flood: There are various causes of flooding, including rain, sewer backup, and other water-related incidents. Floods can occur in different ways, such as during severe rainstorms, […]


What Is The Zodiac?

Zodiac-What is it! The ancient civilizations of Babylon and Greece are deeply intertwined with the origins of the zodiac. Dating back to approximately 3200 BC, the Babylonians laid the groundwork for Western astrology, which encompasses the zodiac as we recognize it today. Zodiac: Beyond timekeeping, this ancient system functioned as a celestial guide, aiding in […]


Derivative House

Derived Houses Derivative Houses, House to House or Derived House System are not a complicated method of predicting from a Natal Chart or a Horary Chart. Only problem is learning to turn the houses so you are in the right house to predict. House to House, Derived or Turned Houses are all often used in […]


What Rules Crabs in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Crabs Crabs are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of a Crabs is Neptune and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Crabs. What Is a Crab? Crabs are fascinating creatures with unique physical features that set them apart from the animal kingdom. These short-tailed decapods are characterized by their unique […]


What Rules a Ruins in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of a Ruins Ruins are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of a Ruins is Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Ruins. What Is Are Ruins? Ruins: These archaeological sites are of important historical and archaeological interest. They shed important information on the past of ancient cultures and civilizations. These statues and […]


What Rules a School Bus in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of a School Bus School Buses are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of a School Bus is Uranus. Further study is required for different types of School Buses. What Is An School Bus? School Bus: School buses play a vital role in transporting students to and from school. Beyond transportation, school buses also play […]


What Rules Elections in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of an Election Elections are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Elections are Sun, Mercury and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Elections. What Is An Election? Election: An election is a formal process of electing someone to a public office or voting on political issues. The fundamental purpose of […]


What Rules Cardinals in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Cardinals Cardinals are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Cardinals is Mercury and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Cardinals. What Are Cardinals? Cardinals, especially red cardinals, are known for their striking appearance and bright colors. Male cardinals are known for their bright red color, a color that comes from […]


What Rules Guillotines in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Guillotines Guillotines are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Guillotines is Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Guillotines. What Are Guillotines? Guillotine: The origins of the guillotine date back to the Middle Ages. It was used during the 1790’s when the French Revolution was going on. This is when the […]


Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity & Astrology

Einstein’s Theory Helps Locate Real Location of Planets Star Location: If you look at this picture, you will see how the visual location of a planet or star is different than the real location due to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Relativity bends the light due to the gravitational pull of the Sun being the largest […]


Astrology Really Works and Why! Scientific Proof!

Why Astrology Works! Scientific Proof! Astrology: The Earth and the Moon have a regular cycle of the rise and fall of the Earth’s oceans. This is known as Tides or Tidal Surge, this causes the rise and fall of the world’s ocean waters. As the Moon moves around the Earth, the push and pull of […]


What Rules Nose Rings in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Nose Rings Nose Rings are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Nose Rings is Mars and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Nose Rings. What Are Nose Rings? Nose Rings: The history of nose rings can be traced back to ancient times, when wearing them was a symbol of wealth, […]


What Rules Cactus in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Cactus Cactus is ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Cactus is Saturn and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Cactus. What Are Cactus? Cactus are fascinating plants that have the unique ability to thrive in dry environments. These adaptations are critical to their survival in desert areas where water […]


What Rules Apples in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Apples Apples are ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Apples is Saturn and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Apples. What Are Apples? Apples: The apple is a deciduous tree that typically reaches a height of 5 to 14 feet in cultivation and can reach a height of […]


What Rules Schooners in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Schooners Schooners are ruled by the Neptune. Co-ruler of Schooners is Mercury and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Schooners. What is a Schooner? Schooner: It is a sailing ship with at a minimum of two masts. Most have three masts that increases the speed across the water. […]


What Rules Pianos in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Pianos Pianos are ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Pianos is Mercury and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Pianos. What is a Piano? Pianos were invented in Italy in the 17th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori. The piano is a basic musical instrument that has evolved over the centuries. […]


What Rules Movies in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Movies Movies are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Movies is Uranus and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Movies. What is a Movie? Movies or Cinema, also known as film, motion picture, or moving picture, is a work of visual art designed to simulate an experience that conveys […]


What Rules Bigots in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Bigotry Bigotry is ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Bigotry is Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Bigots. What is bigotry? Bigotry is a term often heard in discussions about religious hate, prejudice, discrimination, and social issues. It’s a concept that can have profound consequences for […]


What Rules Cats in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Cats Cats are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Cats is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Cats. What Are Cats ? Cats, commonly known as the domestic cat or house cat, is a small domestic carnivorous mammal. It is the only domesticated species of cat. It is usually kept […]


What Rules Dogs in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Dogs Dogs are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Dogs is Jupiter and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Dogs. What Are Dogs ? Dogs are the domesticated descendants of wolves. Also known as domestic dogs, they are descendants of the extinct gray wolf, the dog’s closest living relative. Dogs […]


What Rules A Choir In Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Choir Choirs are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of a Choir is Mercury and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Choirs. What Is A Choir? Choir: Is a group of people who sing songs together. They often rehearse with leaders, give concerts or sing during Church or other types […]


Making Money Thru Nodal Cycles and Eclipses

“Nodal Cycle and Eclipses” Eclipse’s can be a great time to start a business. The five weeks after the Eclipse will improve its chances of success. Why? The next Eclipse at this area or point will be in 18.5 years due to the Nodal Cycle. A Nodal Cycle return to this area means either you […]


What Rules Success in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Success Success is ruled by Jupiter. Co-ruler of Success is Mars and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Success What Is Success? Success— what is it? One of the most beautiful explorations each individual can embark upon is seeking success in life. According to the dictionary, it’s “the accomplishment […]


What Rules A Mother in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of a Mother Mother’s are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Mother’s is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Mother’s. What Is A Mother? Mother: Motherhood is not an easy job— the love and care they give, the endless worrying that plagues their nights, all the minute details they remember […]


Stress-Managing Stress In Your Relationship

Stress Is Part of Life Stress is an inevitable part of life and it can manifest from various sources. Work, financial, friends and family are the common stress zones. A glaring symptom of a relationship under duress is when you have money problems. When bills pile up and your bank account is empty, it breeds […]


What Is The Vertex In Astrology

What Is The Vertex? Vertex: The Vertex is located in the Western Hemisphere of an Astrology Chart. That is the right hand side as you are looking at it. Looking at the below image, it is the intersection of the Prime Vertical and the Ecliptic. It is considered a “Fated Point” in the chart at […]


What Rules Burnout in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Burnout Burnout is ruled by the Uranus. Co-ruler of Stress is Saturn, Mars and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Burnout. What Is Burnout? Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by constant stress. It is usually caused by problems at work. It is common […]


Managing Stress In Your Relationships

Astrological Ruler of Stress Stress is ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Stress is Mars and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Stress. What Is Stress? Stress is the result of living life. It comes from many different areas such as your spouse, children, driving to work, coworkers and the boss. Money problems […]


What Is The Sign Of Cancer In Astrology

What Is The Sign of Cancer Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and the Sun enters Cancer during the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. People born between June 22 and July 22 fall under the sign of Cancer. Cancerians are said to be very emotional and caring in their nature. They have […]


Possible Heath Problems of Saturn Transits

Saturn Transits in Chart Saturn transits in the Natal Chart, there can be multiple issues regarding your health can happen. These two picture charts are a sample of possible issues that may happen. Remember, always consult with a Doctor if you have Medical issues. Remember, Saturn is all about being conservative in what ever you […]


What Rules Presidents in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Presidents Presidents are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Presidents is Uranus, Mars and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Presidents. What Is A President? President: The chief executive of the United States serves as both head of state and head of government for the Americans. It is his/her […]


What Rules A Mattress in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of A Mattress Mattresses are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of a Mattress is Saturn and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Mattresses. What Is A Mattress? Mattress is a large, usually rectangular base designed to support a sleeping person. It is designed to be used as a bed or […]


What Rules Sun Glasses in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Sun Glasses Sun Glasses are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Sun Glasses is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Sun Glasses. What Are Sun Glasses? Sunglasses don’t just shield your eyes from light— they offer protection against both the visible and invisible components that can harm your vision. […]


What Rules Light Bulbs in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Light Bulbs Light Bulbs are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Light Bulbs is Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Light Bulbs. What Are Light Bulbs? Light Bulbs convert electricity into light through a unique mechanism in which electric current is passed through a special wire called a filament. […]


What Rules Camping in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Camping Camping is ruled by the Mars. Co-ruler of Camping is Mercury and Sun. Further study is required for different types of Camping. What Is Camping? Camping is fun going outdoors and sleeping in a forest or a campsite for a few days. Some adults allow their children to camp in their […]


Sidereal vs. Tropical Astrology

Sidereal vs. Tropical Astrology: What is Difference This an excellent presentation about the difference between both Tropical and Sidereal Astrology. If you are an avid student of Astrology, you need to listen to this. This Astrologer, Kenneth Bowser, has done a fantastic video to really help people understand. It is a must watch video to […]


What Rules Broccoli in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Broccoli Broccoli is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Broccoli is Mercury and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Broccoli. What Is Broccoli? Broccoli is an tasty green plant in the Brassicaceae family whose sizable flower heads, stems, and small associated leaves are eaten as a vegetable. Broccoli belongs […]


Greeks Discovered The Earth Was Round

The Greeks (Macedonians) in the Library of Alexandria discovered that the Earth was round in 240 BC, long before Copernicus in the 1500’s AD. Read the story about the Genius of Eratosthenes while head of the Library of Alexandria. Greeks Discovered World Was Round in 240 BC


What Rules Gorillas in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Gorillas Gorillas are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Gorillas is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Gorillas. What Is A Gorillas? Gorillas are herbivorous, terrestrial great apes primarily found in the rain forests of central Africa. The genus Gorilla consists of two species: eastern gorilla and western gorilla, with […]


What Rules Secretary’s Day In Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Secretary’s Day Secretary’s Day is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Secretary’s Day is Moon and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Secretary’s Day. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


What Rules Scribe’s in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of a Scribe Scribe’s are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Scribe is Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Scribes. What Is A Scribe? Scribe is a term that refers to a person who makes written copies of documents or cuneiforms. Before the invention of printing, diligent scribes […]


What Rules Secretary’s in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of a Secretary Secretary’s are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Secretary is Moon and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Secretary’s. What Is A Secretary? Secretary: A secretary is a person who is important in the operation of business and other organizational operations. Secretaries are often the ones responsible for […]


What Rules Scriptures in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Scriptures Scriptures are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Scriptures is Jupiter and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Scriptures. What Are Scriptures? Scriptures and the Bible are considered some of the most important and influential documents in human history. They are revered for their spiritual significance and hold a […]


What Rules Obnoxiousness in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Obnoxiousness Obnoxiousness is ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Obnoxiousness is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Obnoxiousness. What Is Obnoxiousness? Obnoxiousness people are irritating and need to be dealt with on a more flexible strategy. They like to annoy everyone around them and they think they are […]


What Rules Odors in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Odors Odors are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Odors is Mars, Venus, Moon and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Odors. What Is an Odor? Odors: The sense of odor arises when small quantities of volatile chemicals in the local environment can be detected through the olfactory sense. At […]


What Rules Appreciation In Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Appreciation Appreciation is ruled by Jupiter. Co-ruler of Appreciation is Venus and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Appreciation What Is Appreciation? What Is Appreciation? Appreciation: Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation  


What Ruled Diligence In Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Diligence Diligence is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Diligence is Mars and Sun. Further study is required for different types of Diligence. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


What Rules Nicotine in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Nicotine Nicotine is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Nicotine is Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Nicotine. What Is a Nicotine? Nicotine is a substance that is produced in nature from alkaloids found in the Solanaceae or Tobacco plant family and is commonly used for recreational purposes as a […]


What Rules Nonsense in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Nonsense Nonsense is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Nonsense is Venus and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Nonsense. What Is Nonsense? Nonsense: Some people refer to nonsense as a form of communication, either spoken or written. It can also be expressed through another symbolic system, which is nothing […]


Tropical or Sidereal Astrology?

Which Is Valid: Tropical or Sidereal Solar Returns? The biggest problem in Astrology is that Astrologers who say the Tropical is right or Sidereal is right have a misunderstanding of the truth. Both types of Astrologers do not understand that one is Earth based and the other is Star based. You cannot mix apples and […]


What Is A Solar Return Chart?

Solar Return Charts In Horoscope Solar Return Chart: When a solar return chart is cast, it means that the transiting Sun is at the same place as the natal Sun. It will take about one year for the transiting Sun to pass through all of the degrees of each sign in the zodiac. Once you […]


What Rules Crush On You In Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Crush On You Crush On You is ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Crush On You is Venus, Mars and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Crush On You. What Is a Crush On You in Astrology? A crush is when you have feelings of romance or attraction towards another […]


What Rules Burning Debris in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Burning Debris Burning Debris is ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Burning Debris is Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Burning Debris. What Is a Burning Debris? Burning Debris is the act of burning rubble, wreckage, ruins, litter and discarded garbage. This is also called refuse, trash, scattered remains of […]


What Rules Canals in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Canals Canals are ruled by Moon. Co-ruler of Canals is Neptune and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Canals. What Is a Canal? Canals or inland waterways, whether naturally occurring or man-made, serve various purposes such as navigation, crop irrigation, water supply and drainage. Despite advancements in transportation, these […]


What Rules Lovers In Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Lovers Lovers are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Love is Neptune and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Lovers. Lovers: Are You compatible with other Astrology signs? Lovers: Determining the compatibility of your partner, love interest, or friendships can be easily accomplished by looking at your zodiac sign. Some […]


What Rules Obsidian in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Obsidian Obsidian is ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Obsidian is Saturn and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Obsidian. What Is Obsidian? Obsidian is based on the felsic lava that contains a high amount of mineral elements such as aluminum, silicon, oxygen, sodium and potassium. This how obsidian is […]


What Are Major Aspects In Astrology

Major Aspects In Astrology Aspects: This is one of the most important components of astrology. It is important in the understanding of the aspects in the chart. This is the angles or aspects between the planets in the birth chart. These aspects can give us insight into how the planets interact with each other and […]


What Rules Bridges in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Bridges Bridges are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Bridges is Neptune and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Bridges. What Is a Bridge? Bridges are a form of structure that can be constructed in order to go from one side of a river or ravine to cross over to […]


What Is Void of Course Moon Shopping?

Void Of Course Moon Shopping Void of Course Moon Shopping: It denotes a time period when the Moon has made its last major aspect to a planet but before it has entered the next sign. It is a time when things do not work out as planned. Meaning if you start something during a Void […]


Buying A Car During Mercury Retrograde Can Be A Problem

Mercury Retrograde: “Buying A Car” Mercury Retrograde: One of the most important things to know about Astrology is that you should not buy a car when Mercury is Retrograde. The car will become a headache and require continued maintenance. With all the electronics in today’s cars, you will spend most of your time at the […]


What Are Nodal Cycles and Eclipses

“Nodal Cycle and Eclipses” Eclipse’s can be a great time to start a business. The five weeks after the Eclipse will improve its chances of success. Why? The next Eclipse will be in 18.5 years at this point due to the Nodal Cycle. A Nodal Cycle return to this area means either you reincorporate or […]


Void of Course Moon Results

“Never Start a Business On a VOID-OF-COURSE MOON!” When it is a VOC Moon, a business started now will not do the everyday tasks such as being efficiency and the employees are lazy. Example: Cleaning the floors and taking the trash out are part of the everyday job but will be overlooked. Not greeting the […]


What Rules The Surf

Astrological Ruler of the Surf Surf is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Surf is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Surf. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation Join Our Astrology Community


Saturn In Pisces: Game Board Called: “Feeling Sorry”

Game Board: “Feeling Sorry” Sorrow is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Sorrow is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Sorrow. Saturn in Pisces: New Game invented called “Feeling Sorry”-Here is a list of all types of words so everyone can be part of the game by feeling sorry for themselves today. Sorrow […]


What Rules Swans in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Swans Swans are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Swans is Mercury and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Swans. What Is a Swan? Swans: They are among the biggest flying birds and also the largest type of waterfowl. They are called swans. The mute swan, trumpeter swan and whooper […]


What Rules Genius in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Genius Genius is ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Genius is Neptune and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Genius. What Is Genius? Genius: the nature of genius is highly personal and individualized, but it possesses a powerful and undeniable influence that resonates with both the layperson and experts. Darwin’s […]


What Rules Starvation in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Starvation Starvation is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Starvation is Pluto and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Starvation. What Is Starvation? Starvation Defined: An person is said to be in a state of starvation if its intake of energy in the form of calories is insufficient for it […]


Who Was Hernando Cortes?

What Did Hernando Cortes Do To Make Him Famous? Hernando Cortes and his men are estimated to have killed as many as 100,000 Aztecs during his bloody campaign to defeat Montezuma. Cortes killed Montezuma, ending the Aztec Empire in 1521. https://www.biography.com/history-culture/hernan-cortes Aztec Empire Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation Join […]


What Rules Concentration Camps in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Concentration Camps Concentration Camps are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Concentration Camps is Saturn and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Concentration Camps. Dachau Concentration Camp Is Ruled By Pluto It was constructed in 1933, with Dachau being one of the first Nazi built concentration camps. It remained in […]


What Rules Fire in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Fire Fire is ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Fire is Sun and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Fire. What Is Fire? Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion. It releases heat, light and various reaction products. At a certain point […]


What Rules Sundials and Local Mean Time (LMT) in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Sundials and Local Mean Time (LMT) Sundials are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Sundials is Mercury and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Sundials. What Is A Sundial and Local Mean Time (LMT)? Sun Dials: A popular instrument used for establishing local mean time is the sundial, which […]


What Rules Measles in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Measles Measles are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Measles is Moon and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Measles. What Are Measles? Measles is one of the most contagious diseases in the world. This virus commonly affects children and can have serious complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis. Measles […]


What Rules Kidney Stones in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Kidney Stones Kidney Stones are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Kidney Stones is Mars and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Kidney Stones. Kidney Stone: Understanding the Basics Kidney Stones: A stone in the kidney is an irregularly shaped solid material or crystal that can range in size from […]


What Rules Bonds in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Bonds Bonds are ruled by the Jupiter. Co-ruler of Bonds is Mercury and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Bonds. Why Buy Bonds? Bonds! Fixed income security is a bond. It is an integral part of the three main investment types. Bonds are debts of corporations or governments that […]


What Rules Nightmares in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Nightmares Nightmares are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Nightmares is Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Nightmares. The Mysteries of Nightmares Nightmares are a universal phenomenon that have fascinated and terrified people for centuries. They are vivid and intense sensory experiences that can leave a […]


What Rules Chainsaws in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Chainsaws Chainsaws are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Chainsaws is Saturn and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Chainsaws. Chainsaws – Efficient Method of Cutting Wood and Trees Chainsaws such as the Stihl are used to cut down trees. This is a very efficient way to use your energy. […]


What Rules Misandry or Hatred of Men in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Misandry Misandry ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Misandry is Saturn and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Misandry. Misandry – Hatred of Men-The Shadowed Prejudice By Women Misandry or Hatred of Men is a real form of discrimination that tends to fly under the radar or get brushed off […]


What Rules Bicycling in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Bicycling Bicycling is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Bicycling is Uranus and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Bicycling. Effective Ways for Enhancing Bicycling Safety on Highways Bicycling Safety: Riding a bicycle on highways can be quite perilous because of the faster speed limits and the absence of specific […]


What Rules Massages in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Massages Massages ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Massages is Venus and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Massages. Exploring the Significance of Massages Massage involves the gentle manipulation of the body’s soft tissues, which entails rubbing or kneading. The use of different parts of the body and even specialized […]


What Rules Kinship in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Kinship Kinship is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Kinship is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Kinships. Exploring the Meaning and Significance of Kinship Kinship is a human relationship that plays a crucial role in shaping human societies. It refers to the complex web of relationships that exist between […]


What Rules Potatoes in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Potatoes Potatoes are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Potatoes is Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Potatoes. The Fascinating World of Potatoes: Types, Nutritional Benefits, and Culinary Uses Potatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in the world because they are cheap, nutritious, versatile and delicious. Use any […]


What Rules Porcelain in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Porcelain Porcelain is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Porcelain is Saturn and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Porcelain. Porcelain’s Exquisite Beauty and Durability Porcelain is a type of ceramic material that is known for its exquisite beauty and durability. It has been used for centuries to create delicate […]


What Is the First Quarter Moon in Astrology?

The Fascinating Phenomenon of the First Quarter Moon What Is a First Quarter Moon? The First Quarter Moon and the Moon itself is one of the most important celestial bodies in the night sky. The different phases have captivated humans for thousands of years. One of the most intriguing phases is the first quarter moon. […]


Crescent Moon Is Next New Phase

What Is a Crescent Moon? A crescent moon is the visible portion of the moon that is seen from Earth during certain phases of the lunar cycle. It is the gradual transformation of a New Moon to a crescent moon as it moves through its orbital path. The appearance of a crescent moon is a […]


New Moon Means New Cycle

What Is A New Moon? New Cycle Begins With the New Moon The New Moon is the first lunar phase, which marks the beginning of the lunar cycle. During this phase, the moon is not visible from Earth, as it is in alignment with the Sun. This alignment causes the side of the moon facing […]


What Rules Chiropractors in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Chiropractors Chiropractors are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Chiropractors is Saturn and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Chiropractors. What Are Chiropractors? Chiropractors, as skilled healthcare practitioners, that specialize in diagnosing and treating disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. Their main focus is on those affecting the spine. Their […]


What Rules Water Pipes in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Water Pipes Water Pipes are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Water Pipes is Mars, Venus and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Water Pipes. What Are Water Pipes? Water pipes, also commonly known as pipes or plumbing pipes, are water pipes designed to move water from one location […]


What Rules Children Playing in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Children Playing Children Playing is ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Children Playing is Mercury, Moon and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Children Playing. What Are Children Playing? Children playing refers to multiple types of activities and games such as “Hide and Seek” that children do for fun. […]


What Rules “Void of Course” Moon’s in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of “Void of Course” Moon “Void of Course” Moon is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of “Void of Course” Moon is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of “Void of Course” Moon. What is a “Void of Course” Moon? A “Void of Course” Moon is an important astrological phenomenon used by […]


What Rules Streams in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Streams Streams are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Streams is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Streams. What are Streams? A stream is a natural body of running water, such as a river or creek, that flows across land. It empties into an ocean, a lake or another […]


What Rules Helicopters in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Helicopters Helicopters are ruled by the Uranus. Co-ruler of Helicopters is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Helicopters. What are Helicopters? Helicopters are a type of airborne vehicle that use rotary wings to fly. They are unique among aircraft for their ability to hover and move both vertically and […]


What Rules Starfish in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Starfish Starfish are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Starfish is Neptune and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Starfish. What are Starfish? A starfish is a marine invertebrate, belonging to the Phylum Echinodermata. Most starfish have five arms, though some species have up to forty or more. They […]


What Rules Stables in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Stables Stables are ruled by Jupiter. Co-ruler of Stables is Mars and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Stables. What are Stables? Stables can be defined as buildings in which horses are kept and cared for. They serve as shelters for horses and are typically outfitted with amenities that […]


What Rules Pirates in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Pirates Pirates are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Pirates is Mars and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Pirates. What are Pirates? A pirate is a term commonly used to describe a person who commits crimes at sea or on the coast. Pirates often attack and steal from ships […]


What Rules Reindeer in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Reindeer Reindeer are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Reindeer is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Reindeer. What are Reindeer? Reindeer, also known as Caribou, are large Ungulates native to Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions. They have long fur coats and thick hooves that help them navigate the […]


What Does Mercury Retrograde Look Like

What Is Mercury Retrograde? Mercury Retrograde is a term that refers to the apparent backwards motion of the planet Mercury in the sky. This phenomenon occurs three or four times each year. It lasts for approximately three weeks each time. During these three-week periods, Mercury is said to travel at a much slower speed in […]


What Rules Swings in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Swings Swings are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Swings is Venus, Sun and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Swings. What are Swings? A swing is a platform suspended from a structure or tree. It binary consists of two parts: a seat or bench, usually made of wood or […]


What Rules Angels in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Angels Angels are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Angels is Mercury and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Angels What are Angels? Angels are spiritual beings, believed to exist in many cultures around the world. They are perceived as heavenly messengers, benevolent protectors and spiritual guardians. Generally, they are […]


What Rules Snow in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Snow Snow is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Snow is Neptune and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Snow. What is Snow? Snow is a combination of frozen precipitation in the form of small ice particles that is typically characterized by its white color and soft form. It […]


What Rules Snakes in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Snakes Snakes are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Snakes is Mercury and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Snakes. What are Snakes? Snakes are a type of vertebrate reptile that can be found on all continents except Antarctica & North Pole. They exist in many different forms, including legless, […]


What Rules Rats in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Rats Rats are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Rats is Mercury and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Rats. What are Rats? Rats are medium-sized rodents native to many parts of the world. These curious, highly intelligent creatures are some of the most successful mammal species, fitting into most […]


What Rules Sweat in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Sweat Sweat is ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Sweat is Moon and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Sweat. What is Sweat? Sweat is a clear, salty liquid produced by the sweat glands in the skin. It is the body’s natural reaction to the environment and used to cool […]


What Rules Sunflowers in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Sunflowers Sunflowers are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Sunflowers is Moon and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Sunflowers. What are Sunflowers? Sunflowers are a type of flowering plant belonging to the daisy family, Asteraceae. With a bright yellow head containing hundreds of seeds, they’re widely recognized for […]


What Rules Swamps in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Swamps Swamps are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Swamps is Moon and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Swamps. What are Swamps? Swamps are wetlands that are naturally found in areas with very poor drainage. They usually have combination of deep and shallow waters. Coastal areas can have very […]


What Rules Swimming in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Swimming Swimming is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Swimming is Moon and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Swimming. What is Swimming? Swimming is a form of exercise that utilizes the whole body and can be done in any body of water. It is an aerobic exercise that works […]


What Rules Celery in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Celery Celery is ruled by the Mercury. Co-ruler of Celery is Moon and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Celery. What is Celery? Celery is an important vegetable grown and consumed all over the world. It is in the family of Apiaceaeand often referred to as a type of […]


What Rules Stairs in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Stairs Stairs are ruled by the Mercury. Co-ruler of Stairs is Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Stairs. What are Stairs? Stairs are a set of steps used to connect two different levels of a building. They are normally constructed of concrete, stone, wood or metal. […]


What Is The Zodiac

The Zodiac Is The Study of Planets   What Is The Zodiac The zodiac is an area of astrology that studies the relationship between the positions of the stars, planets, sun and moon in relation to the time of one’s birth. Used in various cultures for thousands of years, the zodiac attempts to provide insight […]


What Rules Yoga in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Yoga Yoga is ruled by the Neptune. Co-ruler of Yoga is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Yoga. What is a Yoga? Yoga is an ancient form of physical and mental exercise that dates back centuries. It has been known to reduce stress, improve coordination and balance. […]


What Is the Origin of the Astrological Days of Week

Origin of Astrological Days of Week The original names of the week are of Roman origin. Latin was the primary language of the Romans. They named the days of the week after the seven known planets at that time in history. They were named after their Roman gods: Sol, Luna, Mars, Mercury, Jove (Jupiter), Venus […]


What Rules Beaches in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Beaches Beaches are ruled by the Neptune in Astrology. Co-ruler of Beaches is Moon and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Beaches in the world. What is a Beach? A beach is a sandy area of land that is located at the edge of water, typically a lake, an […]


What Rules Eagles in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Eagles Eagles are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Eagles is Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Eagles. What is an Eagle? An eagle is a large, powerful bird of prey that belongs to the Accipitridae family of birds. They are native to North America and other […]


What Rules the Sign Cancer in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Sign of Cancer Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Cancer is Saturn and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Cancers. What is a Cancer? Cancer in Astrology is the fourth zodiac sign of the zodiac wheel and is represented by the crab. People born between June 20th […]


What Rules Gemini in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Gemini Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Gemini is Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Geminis. What is a Gemini? Gemini: When we refer to a Gemini, we are typically referring to the zodiac sign associated with those born between May 21st and June 20th. Gemini is an […]


What Rules Retreats in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Retreats Retreats are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Retreats is Moon, Mercury and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Retreats. What is a Retreat ? A retreat is an intentional period of time away from one’s usual environment, pursuits and commitments. It creates a safe and nurturing space to […]


What Rules the Fixed Star Algol in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of the Fixed Star Algol Fixed Star Algol is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Fixed Star Algol is Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of energy of the Fixed Star Algol. What is the Fixed Star Algol ? The Fixed Star Algol, also known as the Demon […]


What Rules Restraint in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Restraint Restraint is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Restraint is Mercury and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Restraint. What is Restraint ? Restraint is holding back of yourself due to self control. It is also the deliberate restriction of a person’s physical freedom of movement, usually as part […]


What Rules Anger in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Anger Anger is ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Anger is Moon, Mercury and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Anger. What is Anger? Anger is a strong emotion that arises when one perceives that they or someone they care about has been wronged. It is often expressed as an […]


What Rules Shopping in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Shopping Shopping is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Shopping is Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Shopping. What is Shopping ? Shopping is the act of obtaining goods or services by making payments to the seller when they go to a store, visit a mall […]


What Rules Terrorists in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Terrorists Terrorists are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Terrorists is Mars and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Terrorists. What is Terrorist? A terrorist is an individual or a group that is engaged in intentional, large-scale violence to achieve political or ideological objectives. Terrorism can take many forms, depending […]


What Rules Beaches in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Beaches Beaches are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Beaches is Moon and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Beaches. What is Beach? A beach is an area of land typically found along a coast or body of water, most often composed of sand or other fine soft sand particulates. […]


What Rules Ice Skating in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Ice Skating Ice Skating is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Ice Skating is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Ice Skating. What is Ice Skating? Ice Skating is an activity that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is a sport of fitness and art. It involves the […]


What Rules Moon Madness in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Moon Madness Moon Madness is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Moon Madness is Mars and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Moon Madness. What is Moon Madness? Moon Madness is a phenomenon that occurs during the full moon, in which people become more prone to both verbal and […]


What Rules Bathroom Scales in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Bathroom Scale Bathroom Scales are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Bathroom Scales is Moon and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Bathroom Scales. What is a Bathroom Scale? A bathroom scale is a device used for weighing oneself and accurately gauging one’s body weight. It is commonly found […]


What Rules Pagans in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Pagans Pagans are ruled by the Uranus. Co-ruler of Pagans is Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Pagans. What is a Pagan? A Pagan is an individual that follows a religious or spiritual practice that venerates pre-monotheistic deities and earth-centered practices. This is an umbrella term […]


What Rules Bacon in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Bacon Bacon is ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Bacon is Saturn and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Bacon. What is Bacon? Bacon is a type of cured pork made from the underside or back of a pig. It is known for its high fat content and intense […]


Long and Short Ascension In Astrology

What Is Long and Short Ascension? Long Ascension is caused by the Earth’s axis being tilted or inclined relative to the ecliptic, which means that the twelve zodiac signs don’t take the same amount of time to cross the eastern horizon. At the equator, the difference is small (Pisces, Aries, Virgo and Libra ascend slightly […]


What Rules Nuns in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Nuns Nuns are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Nuns is Jupiter and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Nuns. What is a Nun? A nun is a woman who has devoted herself to a religious life. Nuns embrace a life of solemn vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They […]


What Rules Prostitution in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Prostitution Prostitution is ruled by the Pluto. Co-ruler of Prostitution is Mars, Venus and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Prostitutes. What is Prostitution? Prostitution is a thriving industry in many corners of the world and in many areas it is taken for granted. It is legal in some […]


What Rules Reporters in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of News Reporters Reporters are ruled by the Mercury. Co-ruler of Reporters is Jupiter and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Reporters. What Are Reporters? A news reporter is an individual who is responsible for gathering, researching and presenting news stories to the public. They are collectors and interpreters of […]


What Rules the North Node in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of the North Node North Node is ruled by the Saturn. Co-ruler of the North Node is the Sun and Mars. Further study is required for different types of North Nodes. What Is the North And South Nodes in Astrology The North Node and South Node in Astrology are the two astrological points […]


What Rules Ambition or the North Node in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Ambition or the North Node Ambition or the North Node is ruled by the Saturn. Co-ruler of Ambition or the North Node is the Sun and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Ambition or the North Node. What Is Ambition or the North Node The North Node is the […]


What Rules Mold & Fungus in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Mold & Fungus Mold is ruled by the Pluto. Co-ruler of Mold is the Saturn and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Mold. What Is Mold Mold is a type of fungus that is typically found in moist spaces both indoors and outdoors. It is most often visible to […]


Saturn in Pisces Effects on Astrology

Saturn in Pisces Transits Effects on Astrology. Time to get serious about your study and work in Astrology. If you are not cut out for Astrology, Saturn will eliminate you and you can become a Psychic or Tarot Card Reader instead. Time to focus on one thing only, your true destiny, the North Node. If […]


What Rules Eyes in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of The Eyes Eyes are ruled by Mars in general. Co-ruler of Eyes is the Sun and Moon depending upon your hormonal makeup. Further study is required for different types of Eyes. What Are Eyes? The eyes are remarkable sensory organs that are utilized for vision. The human eye contains several components, including […]


How To Learn Astrology

Learning Astrology Learning Astrology If you want to learn Astrology, you must immerse yourself in it. Stop looking at your chart, you are prejudice and will not see the truth. Astrology is a language to be learned, not a hobby. If you want to learn Italian, you immerse yourself in learning the language. The same […]


What Rules Passports in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Passports Passports are ruled by the Jupiter. Co-ruler of Passports is Uranus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Passports. What Is a Passport? A passport is an internationally recognized document that serves as a method of identification for a person when traveling between countries. The passport identifies the […]


What Rules Parking Lots in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Parking Lots Parking Lots are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Parking Lots is Uranus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Parking Lots. What Is a Parking Lot? A parking lot is a designated area used for the sole purpose of parking cars, trucks and other motorized vehicles. […]


What Rules Lice in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Lice Lice are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Lice is Mars. Further study is required for different types of Lice. What Are Lice? Lice, also known as pediculosis, are parasitic insects that attach themselves to the scalp of mammals, including humans. They feed on dead skin cells and sebum, resulting in redness, […]


What Rules Forks in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Forks Forks are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Forks is the Moon, Mercury and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Forks. What Is A Fork? A fork is a utensil designed for eating food. The design makes it a unique utensil. Generally, forks have multiple uses that can be […]


What Rules Wells in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Wells Wells are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Wells is Saturn and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Wells. What Is A Well? A well is a specialized structure that is designed in a way to access shallow or deep underground water locations for the purpose of excavating […]


What Rules Mechanics in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Mechanics Mechanics are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Mechanics is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Mechanics. What Is A Mechanic? A mechanic is someone who specializes in the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. Commonly referred to as a car mechanic,. They often possess a variety […]


What Rules Meetings in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Meetings Meetings are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Meetings is Moon, Uranus and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Meetings. What Is A Meeting? A meeting is a gathering of two or more people to discuss a specific topic, reach agreement or to exchange information. It is typically a […]


What Rules Keys in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Key Keys are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Keys is Saturn and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Keys. What Is A Key? A key can be many things, but most commonly, it refers to a physical object used to open or secure a lock, typically a door. […]


What Rules Rattlesnakes in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Rattlesnake Rattlesnakes are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Rattlesnakes is Saturn and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Rattlesnakes. What Is A Rattlesnake? A rattlesnake is a type of venomous snake found in the Americas, parts of Africa and across Asia. They are members of the Crotalinae subfamily, […]


What Rules Chimneys in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Chimney Chimneys are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Chimneys is Mercury, Saturn and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Chimneys. What Is A Chimney? A chimney is a structure that allows hot air, smoke and combustion gases to be released from an enclosed space. It typically consists of […]


What Rules Movie Theatres in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Movie Theatre Movie Theatres are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Movie Theatres is Uranus and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Movie Theatres. What Is A Movie Theatre? A movie theatre is a public establishment that typically screens films for public entertainment or event purposes. The facility […]


What Rules Ketchup in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Ketchup Ketchup is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Ketchup is the Moon, Venus and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Ketchup. What Is A Ketchup? Ketchup is a condiment with a long and interesting history. It is a popular sauce composed mainly of tomato, vinegar, sugar, salt and […]


What Rules Knowledge in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Knowledge Knowledge is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Knowledge is Jupiter and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Knowledge. What Is Knowledge? Knowledge is Power! It is a wide-ranging concept encompassing talent, information, skills and understanding that can be acquired through direct experience or study. It is a […]


What Rules Knives in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Knife Knives are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Knives is the Mercury and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Knives. What Is A Knife? Knives are one of the oldest weapons and tools known to mankind. They have been around for thousands of years and have been used […]


What Rules Halloween in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Halloween Halloween is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Halloween is Venus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Halloweens. What Is Halloween? Halloween is an ancient holiday celebrated on October 31st that has its roots in the Druids of the British Isles, Vikings of the Norse Mythology and […]


What Rules Men in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Man Men are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Men is the Jupiter and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Men. What Is A Man? A man is a person of high moral values and integrity. He has a strong sense of honor and respect. He is honest in […]


What Rules Ladies in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Ladies Ladies are ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Ladies is the Moon and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Ladies. What Is A Lady? A lady is someone who is polished, poised and respected. From a professional context, a lady is a woman who carries herself with dignity […]


What Rules Boat Houses in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Boat Houses Boat Houses are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Boat Houses is Saturn and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Boat Houses. What Is A Boat House? A boat house is a defining feature of any waterfront property. It’s a structure built to store, maintain and house […]


What Rules Lakes in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Lakes Lakes are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Lakes is Venus and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Lakes. What Is A Lake? A lake is a body of water that is surrounded by land. It is usually larger than a pond, with a deeper depth and it’s […]


What Rules Songs in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Songs Songs are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Songs is Moon, Mercury and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Songs. What Are Songs? Songs can be described as a form of musical expression, typically connected to emotion. They are often composed of verses and refrains. They are often performed […]


What Rules Music in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Music Music id ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Music is Moon, Mercury and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Music. What Is Music? Music can simply be defined as a coherent arrangement of sounds creating a distinctive and pleasing song. It brings us joy, comfort, inspiration and serves a […]


What Rules Somersaults in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Somersaults Somersaults are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Somersaults is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Somersaults. What Are Somersaults? A somersault is an acrobatic maneuver characterized by an aerial rotation of 360° around the body’s longitudinal axis with a semi-circular trajectory. It is a basic movement commonly used […]


What Rules Songs in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Songs Songs are ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Songs is Moon, Mercury and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Songs. What is Are Songs? Songs are poems or pieces of music that are sung along with the accompaniment of instruments. Songs can be simple chants, complex orchestrations or […]


What Rules Soup in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Soup Soup is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Soup is Mars and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Soup. What is Soup? Soup is a liquid food made by boiling or simmering meat, vegetables and other ingredients in stock or water. It is often served as a starter, […]


What Rules Soccer in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Soccer Soccer is ruled by the Mars. Co-ruler of Soccer is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Soccer. What is Soccer? Soccer is such an exciting and energizing sport! It is a sport that unites people from all over the world and brings out a sense of community and […]


What Rules Neck Ties in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Neck Ties Neck Ties are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Neck Ties is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Neck Ties. What are Neck Ties? Neck ties are a fashionable accessory that has been in use since the 17th century, when it came into style in Europe. Neck ties […]


What Rules The Ocean’s Tides in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of The Ocean’s Tides The Ocean’s Tides are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Ocean Tides is the Sun. Further study is required for different types of Ocean Tides. What are The Ocean’s Tides? Ocean tides are the regular rise and fall of the sea level caused by the gravitational pull of the […]


What Rules Tigers in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Tigers Tigers are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Tigers is Uranus and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Tigers. What are Tigers? Tigers are one of the most magnificent and exciting of the big cat species. They are an important part of the global biodiversity and have been worshiped […]


What Rules Towels in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Towels Towels are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Towels is Moon and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Towels. What are Towels? Towels are a vital piece of body cleaning, hygiene and comfort. They are an essential, yet often overlooked, necessity in the home, hotel rooms, gyms and businesses. […]


What Rules Tissue Paper in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Tissue Paper Tissue Paper is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Tissue Paper is Moon and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Tissue Paper. What Is a Tissue Paper? Facial tissue paper is something that many of us use on a daily basis but may not know much about. It […]


What Rules Tires in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Tires Tires are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Tires is Mercury and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Tires. What Is a Tire? Tires are an essential component of any motorized vehicle as they are the only part that connects the vehicle to the road surface. Tires can come […]


What Rules Traffic in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Vehicle Traffic Traffic is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of the Traffic is the Moon and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Traffic. What Is Vehicle Traffic? Vehicle traffic refers to the movement of vehicles along a route or roadway. It includes both passenger and freight vehicles such as cars, […]


What Rules Toilets in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Toilets Toilets are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of the Toilets is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Toilets. What Is a Toilet? A toilet is one of the most wondrous inventions of modern times. A toilet is a device used for the disposal of human waste and can […]


What Rules Toilet Paper in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Toilet Paper The Toilet Paper is ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of the Toilet Paper is Mercury and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Toilet Paper. What Is Toilet Paper? Toilet paper is one of those everyday items that we almost take for granted, but it has a surprisingly long […]


What Rules the Italian Mafia in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of the Italian Mafia The Italian Mafia is ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of the Italian Mafia is Mars, Neptune and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Mafias. What Is the Italian Mafia? The Italian Mafia, also known as ‘La Cosa Nostra’, is one of the most enduring criminal organizations in […]


What Rules Love in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Love Love is ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Love is Neptune and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Love. What Is Love? Love is the one of the greatest emotions in the world that is felt by everyone – it has no boundaries, it knows no limits and it […]


What Rules Surfing in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Surfing Surfing is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Surfing is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Surfing. What Are a Surfing? Surfing is a popular water sport that is practiced around the world. The person stands on a specially designed board and is propelled through the water […]


What Rules Recipes in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Recipes Recipes are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Recipes is Moon and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Recipes. What Are a Recipes? Recipes can be the best thing since sliced bread or maybe even better than that! A recipe is the magic combination of ingredients that when combined, […]


What Rules Rainbows in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Rainbows Rainbows are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Rainbows is Sun, Venus and Moon. Further study is required for different types of Rainbows. What Are a Rainbows? Rainbows are a beautiful and captivating natural phenomenon that is created when light is refracted by water droplets in the atmosphere. It is a multicolored […]


What Rules Raccoons in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Raccoons Raccoons are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Raccoons is Mars and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Raccoons What is a Raccoon? A raccoon is a medium-sized mammal native to North America. It is easily recognizable for its distinctive black and white fur, as well as its characteristic […]


What Rules Forests in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Forests Forests are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Forests is Sun, Neptune and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Forests What are Forests? A forest is an area of land with an abundance of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation. It has great ecological importance due to its contribution […]


What Rules Cranberries in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Cranberries Cranberries are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Cranberries is Venus and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Cranberries. What are Cranberries? Cranberries are a versatile and tart-tasting fruit grown in wetland and bogs in many parts of the world. They are a major component of Thanksgiving and […]


What Rules Cushions in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Cushions Cushions are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Cushions is Venus and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Cushions. What is a Cushion? A cushion is a soft, comfortable and decorative item designed to add a feeling of warmth plus coziness to any room. It is typically filled […]


What Rules Bread in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Bread Bread is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Bread is Venus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Bread. What is Bread? Bread is one of the oldest and most popular staple foods in the world. It has been a staple of diets for centuries, long before it […]


What Rules Chocolate Cookies in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Chocolate Cookies Chocolate Cookies are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Cookies is Venus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Chocolate Cookies. What is a Chocolate Cookie? Chocolate Cookies! Who doesn’t love chocolate cookies? They are such a delightful and tasty treat! A cookie is a type of […]


What Rules Limes in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Limes Limes are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Limes is Mars and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Limes What is a Lime? A lime is a citrus fruit that is typically oval in shape and ranges from green to yellow in color. It is related to other […]


What Rules Water Buffalo’s in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Water Buffalo’s Water Buffalo’s are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Water Buffalo’s is Saturn and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Water Buffalo’s. What is a Water Buffalo? A water buffalo is an incredible animal and it has multiple uses! Water buffaloes are large, hoofed mammals that are […]


What Rules Bullies in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Bullies Bullies are ruled by the Mars. Co-ruler of Bullies is Mercury and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Bullies. What is a Bullie? A Bullie is a slang term for a bully. This a person who habitually seeks to harm or threaten others. Bullying can occur among all […]


What Rules Thieves in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Thieves Thieves are ruled by the Mars. Co-ruler of Thieves is Pluto and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Thieves. What is a Thief? A thief is someone who steals something of value without the consent of the owner. It is their intention of keeping the item for their […]


What Rules Parrots in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Parrots Parrots are ruled by the Mercury. Co-ruler of Parrots is Uranus and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Parrots. What is a Parrot? A parrot is a bird native to tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. There are many varieties of parrots with the different species encompassing […]


What Rules BBQ’S in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Barbeque BBQ’S are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Barbeques is Mars and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Barbecues. What Is a Barbecue? A BBQ is an outdoor cooking event that involves grilling food over an open flame. It usually takes place during the summer months, when the […]


What Rules Tomatoes in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Tomatoes Tomatoes are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Tomatoes is Neptune and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Tomatoes. What is a Tomato? Tomatoes are a common, red, edible fruit that is frequently used in cooking. It is a versatile ingredient that is found in many cuisines from across […]


What Rules Bees in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Bees Bees are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Bees is Mars, Venus and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Bees. What Are Bees? Bees are one of the most significant species on the planet. They are small flying insects and are typically found with yellow and black stripes on […]


What Rules Tractors in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Tractors Tractors are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Tractors is Mars and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Tractors. What Is a Tractor? A tractor is a powerful machine used mainly in farming and other industry related tasks. It is specially designed for hauling, pulling, towing, plowing and other […]


What Rules Motorcycles in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Motorcycles Motorcycles are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Motorcycles is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Motorcycles. What Is a Motorcycle? A motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle that has revolutionized the our way of transportation. It has become an iconic symbol of liberty, speed and personality. Motorcycles […]


What Rules Drums in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Drums Drums are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Drums is Venus and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Drums. What Are Drums? Drums are percussion instruments that have been a part of music for hundreds of years. Their origins can be traced back to Europe, Far East and Africa. […]


What Rules Electric Guitars in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Electric Guitars Electric Guitars are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Electric Guitars is Venus and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Electric Guitars. What Is an Electric Guitar? An electric guitar is a type of guitar that relies on electrical components to produce sound. Some of the most famous […]


What Rules Panthers in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Panthers Panthers are ruled by the Mars. Co-ruler of Panthers is Sun and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Panthers. What Is a Panther? A panther is a powerful, mysterious creature that has been the subject of many legends and stories. Panthers can be a dangerous predator if you […]


What Rules Pajamas in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Pajamas Pajamas are ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Pajamas is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Pajamas. What Are Pajamas? Pajamas, or PJ’s for short, are the comfiest, coziest articles of clothing you can own. Whether you’re lounging around the house, having a movie night in or getting […]


What Rules Angels in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Angels Angels are ruled by the Neptune. Co-ruler of Angels is Jupiter and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Angels. What Is An Angel? Angels are spiritual beings believed to have superhuman powers and act as intermediaries between humans and God. They have been a part of religious traditions […]


What Rules Nicotine in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Nicotine Nicotine is ruled by the Neptune. Co-ruler of Nicotine is Pluto and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Nicotine. What Is Nicotine? Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances in the world. It is mainly found in cigarettes, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products. Nicotine is a colorless, […]


What Rules Babies in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Babies Babies are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Babies is Venus and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Babies. What is a Baby? A baby is a bundle of joy, a precious gift and a source of unconditional love. It’s hard to define what a baby is, but […]


What Rules Fire Engines in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Fire Engines Fire Engines are ruled by the Mars. Co-ruler of Fire Engines is the Moon, Uranus and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Fire Engines. What Is a Fire Engine? A Fire Engine is a vehicle used by fire departments to put out fires. It is also used […]


What Rules Luggage in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Luggage Luggage is ruled by the Mercury. Co-ruler of Luggage is Jupiter and Moon. Further study is required for different types of Luggage. What is Luggage? Luggage is an essential part of traveling. It refers to any bags, suitcases, boxes and any other containers that travelers use to transport their personal belongings. […]


What Rules Liquor in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Liquor Liquor is ruled by the Neptune. Co-ruler of Liquor is Saturn, Moon and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Liquors. What Is Liquor? Liquor is an alcoholic beverage produced by distillation of a fermented substance such as grains, fruit,or vegetables. Liquors generally have an alcoholic content of by […]


What Rules Paint in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Paint Paint is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Paint is Venus and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Paint. What Is Paint? Paint is a substance that has been used to add color and texture to a variety of surfaces for centuries. It’s a versatile and durable medium […]


What Rules Opticians in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Opticians Opticians are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Opticians is Moon, Mercury and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Opticians. What Is an Optician? An optician is an expert in the field of optometry who helps design, dispense and fit eyeglasses. They also dispense contact lenses for people […]


What Rules Pistols in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Pistols Pistols are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Pistols is Uranus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Pistols. What is a Pistol? A pistol is a weapon called a handgun that is designed to be held in one hand. It generally smaller in size than a long weapon […]


What Rules Beaches in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Beaches Beaches are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Beaches is Mars and Moon. Further study is required for different types of Beaches. What Is a Beach? A beach is a beautiful place that can provide us with an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s a place to relax, […]


What Rules Mules in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Mules Mules are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Mules is Jupiter and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Mules. What Is a Mule? A mule is a hybrid animal, it is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. It is usually sterile and cannot reproduce. Mules […]


What Rules Jellyfish in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Jellyfish Jellyfish are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Jellyfish is Mars. Further study is required for different types of Jellyfish. What Is a Jellyfish? Jellyfish, also known as jellies, are a type of aquatic invertebrates belonging to the taxonomic class of Cnidaria. You will find that at the ocean and there are […]


What Rules Lemons in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Lemons Lemons are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Lemons is Saturn and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Lemons. What Are Lemons? Lemons are one of nature’s best kept secrets. They have a very pleasant smell in your kitchen while cutting them up for your latest cuisine. They […]


What Rules Mountains in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Mountains Mountains are ruled by the Saturn. Co-ruler of Mountains is Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Mountains. What is a Mountain? A mountain is one of the most impressive natural phenomenon on the earth. A good example is the Rocky Mountains. It’s typically defined as […]


What Rules Lighthouses in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Lighthouses Lighthouses are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Lighthouses is Uranus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Lighthouses. What Is a Lighthouse? A lighthouse is a tower with a powerful beacon or light designed to aid in navigation for ships and boats. As one of the oldest […]


What Rules Lifeguards in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Lifeguards Lifeguards are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Lifeguards is Mars and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Lifeguards. What Is a Lifeguard? A lifeguard is an individual that plays an important role in protecting the public at beaches, pools and other aquatic areas. Lifeguards are responsible for the […]


What Rules Your Mouth in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Your Mouth Your Mouth is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Your Mouth is Mars and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Mouths. What Is Your Mouth? Your mouth is a complex and integral part of your body that does more than eating and drinking. It is an essential part […]


What Rules Love in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Love Love is ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Love is Mars and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Love. What Is Love? Love is a powerful emotion that we possess. It is also a great gift to express ourselves. It is a universal language that extends far beyond words, […]


What Rules Statues in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Statues Statues are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Statues is Sun and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Statues. What Is a Statue? A statue is a sculptural representation of an individual, an animal, a mythical figure or a group of figures. It is typically created to mark a […]


What Rules Oranges in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Oranges Oranges are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Oranges is Saturn and Moon. Further study is required for different types of Oranges. What Are Oranges? Oranges are one of the most popular citrus fruits out there. They are round or slightly oval in shape with a bright orange peel and are […]


What Rules Candles in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Candles Candles are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Candles is Mars and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Candles. What Is A Candle? A candle is essentially a block of wax or tallow, that has a wick in the center of it. When you lite it, the heat […]


What Rules Olives in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Olives Olives are ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Olives is Jupiter and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Olives. What is an Olive? An olive is a small, round fruit that is a main ingredient in many dishes. Olives are actually a type of drupe, which is a […]


What Rules Chairs in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Chairs Chairs are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Chairs is Jupiter and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Chairs. What Is a Chair? A chair is a piece of furniture that is used for sitting. It typically has a back, arm rests and sometimes even cushioning for comfort. Chairs […]


What Rules Your Hair in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Your Hair Hair is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of is Venus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Hair. What Is Hair? Hair is one of your most important physical features. It not only frames our face and head. It also contributes to our overall appearance, but it also […]


What Rules Lightening in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Lightening Lightening is ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Lightening is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Lightening. What Is Lightening? Lightening is a natural phenomenon associated with rain and thunderstorms. It consists of a flash of visible light produced by a rapid electrical discharge within an atmosphere […]


What Rules Jails in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Jails Jails are ruled by the Saturn. Co-ruler of Jails is Neptune and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Jails. What Is a Jail? A jail is a secure facility managed by law enforcement officers that houses inmates who have been convicted of crimes or who have not yet […]


What Rules Pizza in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Pizza Pizza is ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Pizza is Mars and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Pizza. What Is Pizza? Pizza is one of the most iconic and beloved foods in the world – and for good reason! It’s so delicious, so comforting and so versatile. […]


What Rules Jewelry in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Jewelry Jewelry is ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of Jewelry is Venus and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Jewelry. What Is Jewelry? Jewelry is an age-old form of adornment designed to enhance an individual’s appearance or features. It is often made from precious metals and stones such as […]


What Rules Sunsets in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Sunsets Sunsets are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Sunsets is the Sun. Further study is required for different types of Sunsets. What Is A Sunset? A sunset is one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world. It is the time when the Sun goes below the horizon in the […]


What Rules Motorcycles in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Motorcycles Motorcycles are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Motorcycles is Mercury and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Motorcycles. What is a Motorcycle? A motorcycle is a two-wheeled motor vehicle ideal for both short and long-distance travel. Motorcycles typically come with an internal combustion engine, operating either a manual […]


What Rules Your Nose in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Your Nose Nose is ruled by the Mars. Co-ruler of the Nose is Venus and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Noses. What Is A Nose? A nose is an incredibly important part of the human body. It is the primary organ of smell and also plays a major […]


What Rules Sunrise in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Sunrise Sunrise is ruled by the Sun. Co-ruler of the Sunrise is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Sunrises. What Is Sunrise? Sunrise – it’s a beautiful event that happens every day, no matter where you are in the world. But what exactly is it? Sunrise is the […]


What is the Ruler of Trash in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Trash Trash is ruled by Pluto in Astrology. Co-ruler of the Trash is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Trash in Astrology. What Is Trash? Trash is something that most of us don’t really think about but it’s an important part of our everyday lives. Trash is anything […]


What Rules Humidity in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Humidity Humidity is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of the Humidity is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Humidity. What is Humidity in Astrology? Humidity is an often overlooked yet essential part of the environment. It is the measure of the amount of water vapor in the air, typically […]


What Rules Tuxedos in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Tuxedos Tuxedos are ruled by Jupiter. Co-ruler of the Tuxedos is Sun and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Tuxedos. What Is a Tuxedo? A tuxedo is an iconic and traditional formal wear option for men. It is an essential item for you stylish wardrobe for any formal gatherings. […]


What Rules the Lips in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of the Lips Lips are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of the Lips is Mars. Further study is required for different types of Lips. What Are Lips? Lips are the major part of the facial anatomy that are composed of several layers of tissue. Located at the entrance of the mouth, lips serve different […]


What Rules Honey in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Honey Honey is ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of a Honey is the Sun and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Honey. What Is Honey? Honey is a by-product if bee production. It is a sweet liquid produced by bees. Although there are many honey varieties, the most common […]


What Rules a Notary in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Notary Notaries are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of a Notary is Saturn and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Notaries. What is a Notary? Notary: A Notary is an individual who is licensed to witness the signing of important documents and administer oaths. They are responsible for verifying […]


What Rules a Tutor in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Tutor Tutors are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Tutors is Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Tutoring. What Is a Tutor? A tutor is someone who provides private instruction on a specific subject or skill for an individual. Tutoring is an important part of the educational process as […]


What Rules Newspapers in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of a Newspapers Newspapers are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Newspapers is Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Newspapers. What Is a Newspaper? A newspaper is a periodical publication containing daily or weekly news. It can also contains opinions and other information of current interest. It is generally published weekly […]


Astrological Ruler of Nose Rings

Astrological Ruler of Nose Rings Nose Rings is ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Nose Rings is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Nose Rings. What Is A Nose Ring? A nose ring is a type of body jewelry that is worn through the nose and serves as an adornment to the face. […]


Astrological Ruler of Garbage

Astrological Ruler of a Garbage Garbage is ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Garbage is Saturn and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Garbage. What Is Garbage? Garbage is defined as waste materials that are discarded as of no use or not needed anymore. Garbage can include anything from food scraps and packaging […]


Astrological Ruler of a Garages

Astrological Ruler of a Garages Garages are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of a Garages is Uranus and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Garages. What Is a Garage? A garage is an enclosed space used for storing and protecting cars, trucks, other vehicles and all kinds of other stuff. It is […]


Astrological Ruler of Potatoes

Astrological Ruler of Potatoes Potatoes are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of a Potatoes is Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Potatoes. What Is A Potato? A potato, worldly known scientifically as Solanum tuberosum, is a root vegetable of the nightshade family grown widely for its edible tubers and its many uses in […]


Astrological Ruler of a Foxes

Astrological Ruler of a Foxes Foxes are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of a Foxes is Jupiter and Mars. Further investigation required for different types of Foxes. What Is A Fox? Foxes are members of the canine family “Canidae” which is comprised of 12 species belonging to the genus Vulpes. These small to medium-sized mammals are […]


Astrological Ruler of a Couches

Astrological Ruler of a Couches Couches are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of a Couches is Jupiter and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Couches. What Is A Couch? A couch, also referred to as a sofa, settee or chesterfield, is an upholstered piece of furniture designed to provide seating for multiple people. […]


Astrological Ruler of a Seals

Astrological Ruler of a Seals Seals are ruled by Jupiter. Co-ruler of a Seals is Moon and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Seals.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of a Turkey

Astrological Ruler of a Turkey A Turkey is ruled by Jupiter. Co-ruler of a Turkey is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Turkey’s. What Is a Turkey? The wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) and the ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata) are both members of the same genus Meleagris, native to North America. Male turkeys […]


Astrological Ruler of Teachers

Astrological Ruler of Teachers Teachers are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Teachers is t. Further study is required for different types of Teachers. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of a Baby

Astrological Ruler of a Baby A Baby is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of a Baby is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Baby’s. What Is A Baby? An infant is a young human offspring or a formal synonym for a baby. In medical contexts, a newborn is an infant within the […]


Astrological Ruler of Churches

Astrological Ruler of Churches Churches are ruled by Jupiter. Co-ruler of Churches is Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Churches. What is a Church? A church is a place where people come together to practice their faith and connect with each other. It can be a physical building or it can exist […]


Astrological Ruler of Toilets

Astrological Ruler of Toilets Toilets are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Toilets is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Toilets. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Bathing Suits

Astrological Ruler of Bathing Suits Bathing Suits are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Bathing Suits is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Bathing Suits. What Is A Bathing Suit? People wear bathing suits when participating in water-based activities, such as swimming, diving and surfing or sun-related activities, like sunbathing. Different styles of […]


Astrological Ruler of Baseball

Astrological Ruler of Baseball Baseball is ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Baseball is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Baseball. What is Baseball? Baseball is one of the most popular and beloved sports in the United States and many countries across the world. It is a bat and ball game in which […]


Astrological Ruler of Javelins

Astrological Ruler of Javelins Javelins are ruled by the Mars. Co-ruler of Javelins is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Javelins. What Is A Javelin? The Javelin is a lightweight spear initially designed as a ranged weapon. Today, it is usually deployed as a sporting tool, particularly during the Javelin Throw event […]


Astrological Ruler of Ice Cream

Astrological Ruler of Ice Cream Ice Cream is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Ice Cream is Venus and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Ice Cream. What Is Ice Cream? Ice cream is a delightful frozen treat typically composed of milk or cream. It is flavored with sugar or an alternative sweetener. […]


Astrological Ruler of Lettuce

Astrological Ruler of Lettuce Lettuce is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Lettuce is Saturn and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Lettuce. What Is Lettuce? Lettuce was originally farmed by the ancient Egyptians. It quickly gained recognition as a valuable food source due to its succulent leaves and oil-rich seeds. Its […]


Astrological Ruler of Kilowatts

Astrological Ruler of Kilowatts Kilowatts are ruled by Uranus. Co-ruler of Kilowatts is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Kilowatts. What Is A Kilowatt? The kilowatt (kW) is a unit of power often used to measure the output of engines and electric motors, tools, machines and heaters. It is likewise used to […]


Astrological Ruler of Knowledge

Astrological Ruler of Knowledge Knowledge is ruled by the Mercury. Co-ruler of Knowledge is Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Knowledge. What Is Knowledge? Knowledge is a type of awareness or understanding. It generally denotes familiarity with facts, skills or objects and may also imply a deeper comprehension of those subjects. Propositional […]


Astrological Ruler of Ships

Astrological Ruler of Ships Ships are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Ships is Neptune, Mars and Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Ships. What Is A Ship? Ships or vessels of all sizes have been traversing the world’s oceans and other waterways for centuries. They have been transporting cargo, passengers and […]


Astrological Ruler of Eggs

Astrological Ruler of Eggs Eggs are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Eggs is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Eggs. What Are Eggs? For millions of years, humans and their ancestors have scavenged and consumed bird eggs, with the earliest known domesticated chickens appearing in Southeast Asia around 1500 BC. Chicken […]


Astrological Ruler of Skeletons

Astrological Ruler of Skeletons Skeletons are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Skeletons is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Skeletons. What Is A Skeleton? A skeleton is the structural frame that supports the body. The skeletal system is a fundamental component of most animals and and people. It is the structure […]


Astrological Ruler of Telephones

Astrological Ruler of Telephones Telephones are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Telephones is Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Telephones. What Is A Telephone? The telephone is a communication device allowing two or more individuals to converse from a distance. It does so by converting sound – typically the human voice – […]


Astrological Ruler of Surfing

Astrological Ruler of Surfing Surfing is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Surfing is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Surfing. What Is Surfing? Surfing is an action packed water sport where you catch a wave and ride it with a board. Surfing is the ultimate water adventure. Wind surfing is […]


Astrological Ruler of Ice

Astrological Ruler of Ice Ice is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Ice is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Ice. What Is Ice? Ice – it’s water in a solidified state, usually below 32°F (nearer to 0°C). Depending on the amount of impurities like dirt or air, it can look totally transparent […]


Astrological Ruler of Knives

Astrological Ruler of Knives Knives is ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Knives is Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Knives. What Is A Knife? Knives are one of the earliest tools used by humans that date back 2.5 million years ago! They’ve been made out of all sorts of materials throughout history, […]


Astrological Ruler of Mail

Astrological Ruler of Mail Mail is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Mail is Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Mail. What Is Mail? Mail Service or delivery is the reliable way to get postcards, letters and parcels delivered to anywhere they need to go. It could be a private or public service […]


Astrological Ruler of Ballet

Astrological Ruler of Ballet Ballet is ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Ballet is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Ballet. What Is Ballet? Ballet is an art form that has been around for centuries. The word Ballet is of French origin. It was developed in the Italian Renaissance and later improved in […]


Astrological Ruler of Boats

Astrological Ruler of Boats Boats are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Boats is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Boats. What Is A Boat? Boats come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny rowboats to massive ships. Whether you’re in the market for a recreational vessel, a work-boat or something in […]


Astrological Ruler of Billboards

Astrological Ruler of Billboards Billboards are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Billboards is Jupiter and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Billboards. What Are Billboards? Billboards are those huge outdoor ads you see along I-95 and other busy roads. They’re often used by Companies to promote and sell their products or […]


Astrological Ruler of Alligators

Astrological Ruler of Alligators Alligators are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Alligators is Mars and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Alligators. What Is An Alligator? An alligator is a large reptile found in the southeastern United States. Alligators can range in size from around four feet to as long as fifteen […]


Astrological Ruler of Boat Docks

Astrological Ruler of Boat Docks Boat Docks are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Boat Docks is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Boat Docks. What Is A Dock? The word “dock” comes from the Dutch word “dok” and in American English it usually refers to a structure or group of structures […]


Astrological Ruler of Picnics

Astrological Ruler of Picnics Picnics are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Picnics is Sun. Further study is required for different types of Picnics. What Is A Picnic? A picnic is the perfect way to enjoy the great outdoors with friends and family! Whether you’re looking for a scenic spot to enjoy a meal al fresco, […]


Astrological Ruler of Coffee

Astrological Ruler of Coffee Coffee is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Coffee is Venus, Mars and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Coffee. What Is Coffee? Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Whether it’s a morning pick-me-up or an afternoon pick-me-up, coffee has been a staple in […]


Astrological Ruler of Cemeteries

Astrological Ruler of Cemeteries Cemeteries are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Cemeteries is Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Cemeteries. What Is A Cemetery? A cemetery, burial ground, grave site or graveyard is a place where the remains of our dearly departed are laid to rest. The word comes from the Greek […]


Astrological Ruler of Caves

Astrological Ruler of Caves Caves are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Caves is Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Caves. What Is A Cave? Caves are like secret underground hideaways – natural voids in the ground and large enough for humans to explore. They form when rocks are worn away by weathering […]


Astrological Ruler of Cathedrals

Astrological Ruler of Cathedrals Cathedrals are ruled by Jupiter. Co-ruler of Cathedrals is Saturn and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Cathedrals. What Is A Cathedral? Cathedrals are a big deal in the Christian world! They serve as the central church of a diocese, conference or episcopate and contain the cathedra […]


Astrological Ruler of Cereal

Astrological Ruler of Cereal Cereal is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Cereal is Mercury and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Cereals. What Is Cereal? Cereals are grains from grasses grown for their edible fruit. They’re the most popular crop in the world, providing us with a ton of food energy. Rice, […]


Astrological Ruler of Pillows

Astrological Ruler of Pillows Pillows are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Pillows is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Pillows.   Pillows are more than just a cozy addition to your bed – they can be a source of comfort, therapy and even decoration! From throw pillows to body pillows, there’s […]


Astrological Ruler of Cats

Astrological Ruler of Cats Cats are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Cats is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Cats. What Is A Cat? The beloved house cat (Felis catus) is a domesticated species of small carnivorous mammal. It’s the only member of the Felidae family that has been tamed by humans, […]


Astrological Ruler of Bartenders

Astrological Ruler of Bartenders Bartenders are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Bartenders is Mercury and Moon. Further study is required for different types of Bartenders. What Is A Bartender? A bartender is the creator of beverages, the creator of cocktails and the watchdog of the bar. They are the ones who make sure the drinks […]


Astrological Ruler of Scarves

Astrological Ruler of Scarves Scarves are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Scarves is Mars and Moon. Further study is required for different types of Scarves.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Umbrella’s

Astrological Ruler of Umbrella’s Umbrella’s are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Umbrella’s is Mercury and Moon. Further study is required for different types of Umbrella’s. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Models

Astrological Ruler of Models Models are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Models is Moon and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Modeling. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Apples

Astrological Ruler of Apples Apples are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Apples is Sun and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Apples. What Is an Apple? An apple is a round fruit with a slightly fuzzy skin that ranges in color from yellow or green to bright red. Apples come in many […]


Astrological Ruler of Jewelry

Astrological Ruler of Jewelry Jewelry is ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Jewelry is Jupiter and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Jewelry.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Watermelons

Astrological Ruler of Watermelons Watermelons are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Watermelons is Jupiter and Mars. Further study is required for different types of Watermelon.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Glaciers

Astrological Ruler of Glaciers Glaciers are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Glaciers is Saturn and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Glaciers. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Basketball

Astrological Ruler of Basketball Basketball is ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Basketball is Mars. Further study is required for different types of Basketball.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Giraffes

Astrological Ruler of Giraffes Soccer is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Giraffes is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Giraffes.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Soccer

Astrological Ruler of Soccer Soccer are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Soccer is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Soccer.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Gyms

Astrological Ruler of Gyms Gyms are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Gyms is the Mars and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Gyms. gy Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Sunglasses

Astrological Ruler of Sunglasses Sunglasses are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Sunglasses is the Moon and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Sunglasses.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Africans

Astrological Ruler of Africans Africans are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Africans is the Sun, Mercury and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Africans.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Lunch

Astrological Ruler of Lunch Lunch is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Lunch is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Lunches.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Hats

Astrological Ruler of Hats Hats are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Hats is Mars. Further study is required for different types of Hats.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Candy

Astrological Ruler of Candy Candy is ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Candy is Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Candy.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Mold

Astrological Ruler of Mold Mold is ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Mold is Saturn and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Mold. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media Join Our Astrology Community


Astrological Ruler of Grapes

Astrological Ruler of Grapes Grapes are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Grapes is the Sun. Further study is required for different types of Grapes.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Strawberries

Astrological Ruler of Strawberries Strawberries are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Strawberries is Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Strawberries.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Beds

Astrological Ruler of Beds Beds are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Beds is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Beds.   Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Girls

Astrological Ruler of Girls Girls are ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Girls is Mercury & Moon. Further study is required for different types of Girls. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Lilies

Astrological Ruler of Lilies Lilies are ruled by the Mercury. Co-ruler of Lilies is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Lilies. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Rain

Astrological Ruler of Rain Rain is ruled by the Neptune. Co-ruler of Rain is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Rain. ra Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Laughter

Astrological Ruler of Laughter Laughter is ruled by the Neptune. Co-ruler of Laughter is Jupiter and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Laughter. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Babies

Astrological Ruler of Babies Babies are is ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Babies is Venus and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Babies. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Waffles

Astrological Ruler of Waffles Waffles are is ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Waffles is the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Waffles. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Sugar

Astrological Ruler of Sugar Sugar is ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Sugar is Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of Sugar. sug Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Advertising

Astrological Ruler of Advertising Advertising is ruled by the Jupiter. Co-ruler of Advertising is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Advertising. What Is Advertising? Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade a person or group of people to take some sort of action. It is usually used to encourage, persuade […]


Astrological Ruler of Abductions

Astrological Ruler of Abductions Abductions are ruled by the Uranus. Co-ruler of abductions is Pluto & Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Abductions. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Computers

Astrological Ruler of Computers Computers are ruled by the Mercury. Co-ruler of computers is Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Computers. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Beavers

Astrological Ruler of Beavers Beavers are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Beavers is Neptune. Further study is required for different species of Beavers. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Clocks

Astrological Ruler of Clocks Clocks are ruled by the Saturn. Co-ruler of clocks is Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Clocks. What is a Clock? A clock is an instrument used to measure and show the correct time. It is one of the oldest human inventions, meeting the need to measure intervals […]


Astrological Ruler of Mother’s

Astrological Ruler of Mother’s Mother’s are ruled by the Moon. The co-ruler is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Mother’s. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Teachers

Astrological Ruler of Teachers Teachers are ruled by the Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Teachers. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Saturday

Astrological Ruler of Saturday Saturday is ruled by the Saturn. Further study is required for different hours of Saturn. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Friday

Astrological Ruler of Friday Friday is ruled by the Venus. Further study is required for different hours of Friday. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Thursday

Astrological Ruler of Thursday Thursday is ruled by the Jupiter. Further study is required for different hours of Thursday. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Wednesday

Astrological Ruler of Wednesday Wednesday is ruled by the Mercury. Further study is required for different hours of Wednesday. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Tuesday

Astrological Ruler of Tuesday Tuesday is ruled by the Mars. Further study is required for different hours of Tuesday. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Monday

Astrological Ruler of Monday Monday is ruled by the Moon. Further study is required for different hours of Monday. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Sunday

Astrological Ruler of Sunday Sunday is ruled by the Sun. Further study is required for different hours in Sunday. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Doors

Astrological Ruler of Doors Doors are ruled by Saturn. The sub-ruler is Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Doors. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Coffee

Astrological Ruler of Coffee Coffee is ruled by Neptune. The sub-ruler is Mars & Pluto. Further study is required for different types of coffee. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Astrological Ruler of Teachers

Astrological Ruler of Teachers Teachers are ruled by Mercury. The sub-ruler is Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of teachers. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presentation Media


Astrological Ruler of Rabbits

Astrological Ruler of Rabbits Rabbits are is ruled by Mercury. The sub-ruler is Venus, Moon & Saturn. Further study is required for different types of rabbits. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presentation Media


What is the Ruler of Running in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Running Runners are is ruled by Mercury. The sub-ruler is Mars. Further study is required for different types of running in Astrology. What Is Running? A runner is someone who runs. It’s as simple as that! Running is a great way to stay fit and healthy and it’s an activity that almost […]


What Rules Paint in Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Paint Paint is ruled by the Moon. The sub-ruler is Venus and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of paint. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


Astrological Ruler of Good Luck

Astrological Ruler of Good Luck Good Luck is ruled by Jupiter. The sub-ruler is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of lucky circumstances. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


Astrological Ruler of Life Guards

Astrological Ruler of Life Guards Life Guards are ruled by Neptune. The sub-ruler is Mars. Further study is required for different types of life guards. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


Astrological Ruler of Loneliness

Astrological Ruler of Loneliness Loneliness is ruled by the Saturn. The co-ruler is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of loneliness. What Is Loneliness? Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling that comes with the perception of being isolated. It’s like a psychological ache that drives us to seek out social connections. It’s different from […]


Astrological Ruler of Lobsters

Astrological Ruler of Lobsters Lobsters are ruled by the Moon. The sub-ruler is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of lobsters. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation  


Astrological Ruler of Water

Astrological Ruler of Water Water is ruled by the Neptune. The sub-ruler is Moon. Further study is required for different types of water. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation Join Our Astrology Community


Astrological Ruler of Shoes

Astrological Ruler of Shoes Shoes are ruled by the Saturn. The sub-ruler is Jupiter. Further study is required for different types of shoes. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


Astrological Ruler of Cows

Astrological Ruler of Cows Cows are ruled by the Moon. The sub-ruler is Venus. Further study is required for different species of cows. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


Astrological Ruler of Cats

Astrological Ruler of Cats Cats are ruled by Venus. The sub-ruler is Mercury due to their agility. Further study is required for different species of cats. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


Astrological Ruler of Hotels

Astrological Ruler of Hotels Hotels are ruled by the Moon. The sub-ruler is Venus. Further study is required for different areas of hotels. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


Astrological Ruler of Yams

Astrological Ruler of Yams Yams are ruled by Venus. The sub-ruler is Saturn due to their skin. Further study is required for different species of yams. What Is A Yam? Yams are a starchy, tuberous crop widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions. They are the edible roots of a woody, perennial vine. Boasting a […]


Astrological Ruler of Dogs

Astrological Ruler of Dogs Dogs are ruled by Mercury. Further study is required for different breeds  of dogs. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


Astrological Ruler of Pears

Astrological Ruler of Pears Pears are ruled by Venus. Further study is required for different species of pears. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation


Astrological Rulers of Eagles

Astrological Rulers of Eagles Eagles are ruled by the Mars. They have a sub-ruler of Scorpio due to their constant hunting and eating of other small animals and fish. Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation  


What Rules Turtles in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Turtles Turtles are ruled by the Moon. Expanding that to other species such as: Land & Underground Turtles become Moon/Pluto and Sea Turtles become Moon/Neptune. What Is a Land or Sea Turtle? Land and Sea turtles are one of the most beloved creatures around the world. These gentle giants have been around […]


Bathroom Rulers


Asteroid Belt Separation

Why Does The Asteroid Belt Separate the Inner From Outer Planets Source: spaceplace.nasa.gov Why Does It Separate Inner From Outer Planets?    


How Moon Rotates Around Earth

Moon Rotating Around the Earth   Video Source: YouTube Copyright © 2023 by Lunar-Returns.com All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation & Presenter Media


Rotating Moon from LRO

Moon Rotating


Scorpio Rising or 1st House in Scorpio

Scorpio Rising or 1st House in Scorpio You come off as a powerful force – magnetic and mysterious. You don’t outwardly reveal everything, which can draw people in. Your inquisitive and intense eyes give off a brooding vibe, leaving people to wonder what’s going on in that noggin of yours. Sure, this intensity can be […]


Libra Rising or 1st House in Libra

Libra Rising or 1st House in Libra You’ve got an enviable knack for rolling with the punches and keeping your head high. You come off as graceful and sociable, always managing to make a good impression and find a common ground, no matter who you’re with. People naturally look to you to come up with […]


Virgo Rising or 1st House in Virgo

Virgo Rising or 1st House in Virgo You may come off as a logical and systematic person, one who knows their way around details, and someone who loves lists and organization. People come to you when they need the structure that only you can bring. You can, however, be quite uneasy with the spotlight. It’s […]


Leo Rising or 1st House in Leo

Leo Rising Having a positive, friendly and strong persona can draw people to you without you even trying. People will be drawn to your energy and your confident attitude, making them want to hang out with you more often. You enjoy going to public and private areas for fun with others and make sure it’s […]


Cancer Rising or 1st House in Cancer

Cancer Rising or 1st House in Cancer People like you because of your nurturing and sensitive ways. Some people see you as shy also. Try not to be too emotional when dealing with others. If you take things too personal and you will express your feelings in public. This could be good or bad, but […]


Gemini Rising or 1st House in Gemini

Gemini Rising or 1st House in Gemini People enjoy being with you because of your personality. They enjoy conversing with someone who is witty, smart and likes to have intellectual conversations. It is easy for you to talk to anyone in any setting. You have a variety of topics you can talk about but do […]


​Taurus Rising or 1st House in Taurus

​Taurus Rising or 1st House in Taurus People see you as a stable and a dependable person. You do not rush but are methodical in your actions unless you are upset emotionally. You like to eat in fine up scale restaurants and are not big lover of fast foods unless your ruler (Venus) is afflicted. […]


Aries Rising or 1st House in Aries

Aries Rising or 1st House in Aries People see you as someone that is independent or aggressive depending upon your attitude or emotional state. A positive attitude will show you as assertive, not aggressive. It is important to control your emotions or you can appear overly aggressive or too competitive, even though you do not […]


Humorous Astrological Gifts

Humorous Gift For Each Sign Aries: Red Fire Engine With a #1 On It. Taurus: Gift Certificate To Checkers or Burger King. Gemini: Book On “How To Do 101 Things At Once”. Cancer: Cassette Tape On “How To Heal The World”. Leo: Adult Education Course: “How To Win Romance and Influence People.” Virgo: Gift Certificate […]


Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 12th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 12th House Getting to know who you are is the theme this month. Spending time alone will help you get to the bottom of something that is bothering you lately. Take time to listen to your inner voice, shut out the critical voice and listen for the truth from […]


Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 11th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 11th House Friends are wanting to spend more time with you. Good time to socialize or meet new acquaintances thru old friends. Being social will help you enjoy your life right now. Avoid negative people if the Moon is badly aspected, they could cause problems. Children will call or […]


Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 10th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 10th House This is the time your boss will most likely recognize you for a job well done. Career is emphasized now, take advantage of this time period to get favors from people in authority. Your family could feel neglected due to all the time you are spending at […]


Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 9th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 9th House Travel is the theme this month whether mentally or physically to far off places. Time to learn something new such as a foreign language. Your sense of spirituality is awakened, open up for a new beginning in this area. Neighbors can be needy and expect you to […]


Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 8th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 8th House It is that time of the year that you must be aware of issues regarding money. Be aware, do not loan any money, you can loose it due to incomplete information. Unexpected expenses can manifest at this time or you could receive a windfall of money. It […]


Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 7th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 7th House Good time to have fun with others. Phone calls from long lost friends to check in and see how you are doing. Time to catch up. Good time to shine, so dress right to impress others with the new you. If you are single, the opportunity to […]


Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 6th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 6th House The theme is month is work, work and more work. It is time to organize your life and take control of your internal negative thoughts. Good time to go on a diet and new exercise plan. Avoid negative people like the plague. Time to expand your horizons […]


Lunar Return Moon in the 5th House

Lunar Return Moon in the 5th House This will be more of a fun month if you can pull yourself away from work and responsibilities. Friends can be a good source of fun activities. Others could stimulate your mind and body if you connect in a good way. Taking a lighthearted approach toward life will […]


Lunar Return Moon in the 4th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 4th House Now is the time to connect with your family and home life. There will be a pull inside of you regarding work and home. Projects that you have neglected are now needing your attention. Keep your feelings to yourself and avoid people who like to push your […]


Lunar Return Moon in the 3rd House

Moon in the 3rd House Now is the time to call or receive calls from others. Short trips are favored if the Moon is not afflicted.  It will be a time when you are talking with people close by and far away. Good time to get your self organized and improve your health regimen. Dreams […]


Lunar Return Moon in the 2nd House

Moon in the 2nd House The theme of how to make and acquire more money is of importance now. There is a tendency to spend money you do not have, only spend what you can afford. If you have a talent, it is a good time to take time to develop it further such as […]


Lunar Astrology

Lunar Astrology is Moon Astrology What does the Moon in Astrology mean. Everyone knows their Sun Sign but do you know your Moon Sign in Astrology?  The thing to remember is that your Moon Sign is the second most important zodiac placement in your Astrology Chart. The second important fact is what sign is your […]


Save A Relationship According To Astrology

Relationships According To Astrology Understanding the differences between zodiac signs and each sign’s weaknesses become deadly to a relationship. Some things may be quite normal for one zodiac sign, but totally unacceptable for the other. Astrology is here to prevent you from making a mistake and help you save your relationship! An Aries has the […]


Interior Design By Zodiac Sign

Arranging your living space according to your zodiac sign could be a fun way to make your home even more cozy and inviting. Utilizing Local Space Astrology, or simply assessing your Sun sign can assist in creating a space unique to your personality. Let’s see what the stars suggest!   ARIES: FUNCTIONALITY Aries, make your […]


Lunar Return in the ​First House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the ​1st House Projecting a sense of self confidence with a take control personality during this month. Careful though, you could become over zealous and get too emotional due to impulsive decisions. If the Moon is negatively aspected in the chart, health problems are a possibility due to emotions. Changes […]


The Ideal Date For Each Astrological Sign

Going out with our loved ones always makes us happy, but choosing the ideal place for a date can sometimes be a difficult task. Continue reading to find out what the stars advise and select the ideal location for your date, according to your partner’s astrological sign! ARIES Aries live for new experiences and adventures. They need something […]


Why Do We Believe In Astrology

Although astrology is not a religion, it offers comfort, faith and a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Interpretations often offer assurances of one’s future, but more importantly, they are supposed to show us a way to resolve our issues and to improve our relationships with our partners, family, and friends and mainly […]