Astrological Ruler of Babies

Babies are ruled by the Moon. Co-ruler of Babies is Venus and Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Babies.


What is a Baby?

A baby is a bundle of joy, a precious gift and a source of unconditional love. It’s hard to define what a baby is, but it’s easy to see the impact they have on our lives. A baby is a little miracle, a symbol of hope and a reminder of the beauty of life. They bring us immense joy, laughter and love. Babies are so small, yet they have such a big impact on our lives. They teach us about love, patience and the importance of family. They bring us closer together and remind us of the importance of cherishing each moment. Babies are a reminder that life is precious and that we should enjoy every moment with them. They bring us a sense of joy and peace that can’t be found anywhere else. They are our future and our hope for a better tomorrow.


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