Astrological Ruler of Concentration Camps

Concentration Camps are ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Concentration Camps is Saturn and Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Concentration Camps.


Dachau Concentration Camp Is Ruled By Pluto

It was constructed in 1933, with Dachau being one of the first Nazi built concentration camps. It remained in use until April 29, 1945. The prison was designed to keep captive Hitler’s political enemies such as communists, social democrats and other dissidents. Dachau is situated within the premises of a former weapons factory lying on the outskirts of medieval Dachau, some ten miles northwest of Munich. It is located in Bavaria, southern Germany. In 1933, following its establishment under Heinrich Himmler, Dachau’s purpose grew to incorporate forced labor and eventually, the imprisonment of Jews, Romanians, Germans and Austrian criminals and finally foreign nationals from countries that Germany occupied or invaded. The Dachau camp system expanded to include approximately one hundred sub-camps, which were mainly work camps located across southern Germany as well as Austria. There were “Thirty-Two Thousand Deaths” recorded at the camp, while thousands more are not accounted for. Prisoners were tortured and used for medical experiments by Doctors at Dachau. These experiments were for a variety of physical experimentation such as sexual experimentation of body parts. Some were injected with malaria and tuberculosis. Total death count is unknown but is estimated at tens of thousands. They either died from the hard labor or were tortured. The bodies were burned in ovens of the camps crematorium. On April twenty-ninth, 1945, U.S. forces liberated the main camp.

Concentration Camps

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