Astrological Ruler of Gorillas

Gorillas are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Gorillas is Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Gorillas.


What Is A Gorillas?

Gorillas are herbivorous, terrestrial great apes primarily found in the rain forests of central Africa. The genus Gorilla consists of two species: eastern gorilla and western gorilla, with four to five subspecies collectively. Gorillas share a striking genetic resemblance to humans— ranging from 95% to 99% based on comparison criteria — placing them as our closest primate relatives alongside chimpanzees and bonobos. As the largest living primates, gorillas reach heights varying between 4 to 4 1/2 feet and weigh from 220 lbs up to 600 lbs depending on their sex and species; they are social animals organized into troops led by a dominant male known as a Silverback. The eastern gorilla can be differentiated from its western counterpart by a darker coat color among other subtle physical variances. In their natural habitat, gorillas typically have a lifespan of about 35 to 40 years. Love My Gorilla!


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