Astrological Ruler of Potatoes

Potatoes are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Potatoes is Saturn. Further study is required for different types of Potatoes.


The Fascinating World of Potatoes: Types, Nutritional Benefits, and Culinary Uses

Potatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in the world because they are cheap, nutritious, versatile and delicious. Use any cooking method – boil, steam, bake, sauté, pan-fry and puree – to create a range of dishes with unique flavors, textures and appearances. Another way to prepare potatoes is to puree them. Mashed potatoes are an important base for many popular dishes, including mashed or whipped potatoes, duchess potatoes, and potato croquettes. For mashed, whipped, and pureed potatoes, the potatoes are boiled, steamed or baked before being mixed with other ingredients or pureed. To serve, place them in a water bath or steam table. Store mashed potatoes for other dishes in the refrigerator for a few hours. Love My Potatoes!


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