Astrological Ruler of Sundials and Local Mean Time (LMT)

Sundials are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Sundials is Mercury and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Sundials.

sun dial

What Is A Sundial and Local Mean Time (LMT)?

Sun Dials: A popular instrument used for establishing local mean time is the sundial, which provides semi-accurate measurements of solar time. It does not give you accurate to the minute using this system. Solar time and local mean time have some peculiar characteristics. For example, a true solar day will never have a constant length because Earth’s orbit around the sun is not uniform. As such, some days will be shorter or longer than others. Additionally, the velocity of true solar time is also not constant. The equation of time is what this phenomenon comes down to.

If a clock is set up on a sundial, any readings taken above the axis are going to seem fast and on the other hand, if it is taken below the axis, they are going to seem slow. So, local mean time is not actually synced with true solar time. It is used to make solar time more applicable, at least when it comes to keeping time, by correcting these slight speed variations. There are some strange limitations that go along with solar time and local mean time. True solar time and local mean time are used to make timekeeping more practical by compensating for these tiny speed variations. A few peculiar restrictions come with using solar time or local mean time. For example, the length of a solar day will forever change due to Earth’s orbital revolution around the sun not being consistent. This results in certain days being longer while others are shorter and the pace of true solar time also varies. So, if your using the Sibley Chart or any of the others, find a way to rectify it using the fast moving planets like the Sun and Moon only. That’s a tough one, isn’t it.

One of the problems with long periods of time is the change in the Magnetic Field “North”. A Sundial must be setup using Magnetic North. A reading of the Sundial in 1776 vs 2024 will show inconsistencies. A computer program can do a chart for 1776 or 1865 or 2024 and have the correct location information but time is always different from what was stated like in the USA Chart.

Most experienced Astrologers have known this for a long time regarding these inaccuracies but no one talks about it. Even today, when a child is born in a hospital, the time can be off due to multiple things going on in the delivery room. A complicated birth changes the time of first breath because the Nurses are concerned with saving the child’s life, not looking at a clock. Home Births are totally different problem. Most are wrong due to concerns for the child and no one is looking at an Atomic Clock. Have known some Astrologers who have accurate time for their children because they were aware of this problem. Imagine giving birth to your child and looking at the clock at the same time.

First Breath

“In Conclusion, Astrological Charts done using Local Mean Time are inaccurate for calculation of an event. The USA Chart is a prime example. Astrologers have been using multiple different ones to predict from multiple sources. Why was this done by the Founding Father’s? They did it so no one would be able to do control the destiny of the United States of America.”

Local Mean Time

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