Astrological Ruler of Tigers

Tigers are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Tigers is Uranus and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Tigers.


What are Tigers?

Tigers are one of the most magnificent and exciting of the big cat species. They are an important part of the global biodiversity and have been worshiped and respected in India and other South East Asian countries for centuries. By some estimates, tigers are the largest naturally occurring members of the cat family, native to much of Asia and Eastern Russia. They have reddish fur with black stripes and males may be twice the weight of females, growing up to 10-11 feet in length and around 600 pounds in weight. An apex predator, tigers live alone and will hunt primarily wild animals such as deer and wild pigs. Their diet also consists of fish, birds and other smaller animals. Tigers are largely solitary, but they have been observed hunting in small groups. They have incredible strength and agility, allowing them to take down prey much larger than themselves. Unfortunately, tigers are endangered and their numbers in the wild have declined significantly due to poaching, habitat destruction and other human-related activities. As such, it is more important than ever to understand the importance of these incredible animals, and help save them for the future.


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