Astrological Ruler of Cats

Cats are ruled by Mercury. Co-ruler of Cats is Venus. Further study is required for different types of Cats.

What Is A Cat?

The beloved house cat (Felis catus) is a domesticated species of small carnivorous mammal. It’s the only member of the Felidae family that has been tamed by humans, and it’s valued for its companionship and its ability to take care of pesky vermin. With about 60 recognized cat breeds, this furry friend is super agile with a strong, flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp teeth and retractable claws that make it a master hunter of small prey like mice and rats. It also has incredible night vision and a sense of smell that’s second to none. Cats communicate with us through vocalizations like meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling and grunting, as well as body language that’s unique to the species. Even though cats are social animals, they’re also solitary hunters, and they’re most active at dawn and dusk. Plus, they can hear sounds that humans can’t, like those made by mice and other small mammals. And if that wasn’t enough, cats also secrete and perceive pheromones. Talk about a cool pet!


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