Astrological Ruler of Tuxedos

Tuxedos are ruled by Jupiter. Co-ruler of the Tuxedos is Sun and Venus. Further study is required for different types of Tuxedos.


What Is a Tuxedo?

A tuxedo is an iconic and traditional formal wear option for men. It is an essential item for you stylish wardrobe for any formal gatherings. A tuxedo typically consists of a black or midnight blue jacket, with satin or grosgrain lapels, tailored trousers, a cummerbund and a bow tie. Tuxedos are the ideal garment for formal occasions such as weddings, engagements and black tie events. Though initially designed for formal nights out, tuxedos can now be found in different color options, fabrics and styles. When selecting a tuxedo, it’s important to choose one that fits your body type. A well-fitting tuxedo is comfortable and reflects your sense of personal style. The best way to achieve an exquisite look is to have a bespoke tailored tuxedo made-to-measure, as this avoids any chance of a bad fit. Along with the tuxedo, accessories are essential in creating the perfect ensemble. Formal shoes, a cummerbund, and a dress shirt are the perfect complement to a tuxedo. Cotton shirts are the best choice for formal occasions, as they are comfortable and breathable. Though there are a broad range of styles, fabrics and colors available, the classic black tuxedo will always remain the most popular choice. And with meticulous care, a quality tuxedo can last years, making it a timeless and great value wardrobe investment.


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