Astrological Ruler of Prostitution
Prostitution is ruled by the Pluto. Co-ruler of Prostitution is Mars, Venus and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Prostitutes.
What is Prostitution?
Prostitution is a thriving industry in many corners of the world and in many areas it is taken for granted. It is legal in some parts of the world. Prostitution is often referred to as the “oldest profession” as in some way or another, it has existed since the earliest civilizations. In its most basic sense, prostitution is the exchange of sexual favors for money. However, today many people associate prostitution not only with money but also with violence, exploitation and exploitation of minors. The term prostitution is often used to refer to a woman who works as a “hooker” or “call girl.” There are also male prostitutes. Due to the prevalence of prostitution, there is a large criminal element often involved in the industry. Though there are now many countries taking steps to limit the prevalence and availability of prostitution by banning it, unfortunately, despite its negative connotations, it remains legal in some areas of the world. Ultimately, prostitution is an issue that is likely to continue in varying degrees throughout the world, with ramifications both positive and negative. Prostitution has a history of over 5000 years old. It goes back before the Roman and Greek Civilizations.