Astrological Ruler of Eagles

Eagles are ruled by Mars. Co-ruler of Eagles is Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Eagles.


What is an Eagle?

An eagle is a large, powerful bird of prey that belongs to the Accipitridae family of birds. They are native to North America and other parts of the world. They can be found on every continent, except for Antarctica and Australia. These birds have been regarded as symbols of power and majesty throughout history. They have appeared in mythology, literature and heraldry. Eagles have a strong, powerful beak and long talons. They typically build enormous nests out of sticks and other materials. Eagles’ most remarkable features are their enormous wings, which can span up to 7 feet across from tip to tip. This allows them to soar for extended periods of time at great heights. One of their main sources of food is fish, which they hunt by swooping down and catching them with their talons. Eagles can fly up to speeds of approximately 30mph in a dive, a sight to behold. Despite their impressive size and power, eagles are also incredibly beautiful, with glossy feathers, a wide wingspan and intense eyes. As majestic and powerful creatures, eagles serve as a reminder of all that is valuable in nature.


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