Flat Earth Belief Astrology
Looking at the old Persian, Greek, Arab and Roman Astrology systems, have often wondered how they were able to make sense due to their Flat Earth Beliefs. Everyone believed the Earth was flat and if you sailed far enough, you would fall off theEarth. I know, do not bring it up, but it is time to say, their systems cannot possibly work due to their Flat Earth Beliefs. Saturn is in Pisces now and we either find a way to validate it or throw it out with the Baby in the water. Let’s start at the beginning of the Discovery of Astrology and Astronomy:
This story will validate how Astrology and Astronomy is passed from one Civilizations to another Civilization after it is destroyed. Astrology never dies, it is always reborn thru Pluto to help the next Civilization. We will start at approximately 20,000 BC when the few survivors of the last Civilization try to start a new life. This previous Civilization was destroyed due to a Cataclysmic Event we called “The Big Fire” in approximately 21,500 BC. The Earth was hit by multiple storms of fire storm meteors and another Asteroid hit the Earth again and changed life forever. It took the survivors almost 1500 years to reproduce and start to live a normal life.
The first generation remembers everything and tries to pass this info on but a lot is lost due to the lack of the old conveniences like electric, sewer and water delivery systems. After the end of the last civilization, education of the past could not be passed on to the following generations. Everything became oral from one to the next generation. Even thought the first generation had a computer but no way to charge it, no Internet or their cell phone does not work because all the cell phone towers were destroyed. Libraries are destroyed by mold. Knowledge is limited by oral transmission. All the old Religions died off due to no books to pass this info on. All the organic material is eaten by Mold. This only a portion of the problem. The new generations also lack basic skills of survival and must learn this to continue with their lives. Survival of the Fittest is the new mantra. The weak die off.
The First Astrologer and Astronomer
Let us start at the beginning of life about 20,000 BC. Being part of the group that survived the “Big Fire” it was very challenging to live your life. Food is scarce and you have to deal with the leftover remnants like the giant lizards, saber tooth tigers, bears and others animals that were not killed off by the “Big Fire”. Most people had to learn the hard way, how to hunt and make weapons to hunt with. Many died due to ignorance of Mother Nature.
The world is coming back green again instead of looking all burned up everywhere. As people looked at the surrounding areas, they were amazed how the Sun God brings back the trees and the berry bushes for us to eat. Everyone in our group was excited when they saw that the land was turning green again. We had a big celebration to thank the Sun God for helping us.
Being a member of this group, you are a curious when you look up at the night sky and saw millions of stars that are both bright and dim. The stars scare you and your fellow friends sometimes when a bright light flies across the sky. One of our group named Francisco, called it a Shooting Star. You see the Moon coming up over the horizon and look on in awe.
Francisco thinks the Moon is the Mother of the Earth because she is always watching everyone day and night. Wondering in awe, what do all these Stars mean? What does the Moon mean? Always more questions that need answers. Over time, you have discovered that the Moon does not come up every night but you see it sometimes during the day. The Moon has many shapes during a time period. Wow!
Looking At The Stars Man
Most of my friends think you are strange and kind of weird for being an oddball and not like the rest of them. They think you should be out getting fire wood and hunting for food for your family. Your woman is mad at you because there is not enough food for the baby and you are out fooling around again with the weird looking stones you found on the ground. Men do these kind of things. She says, she wants you to pay attention to her and the baby instead of looking at the sky. All the women talk about you, calling you the “Looking at Stars Man”. Your woman has feelings for you but the baby needs food and she gives you an ultimatum of us or the stones. So you hunt in the day and look at the stones at night with your lighted torch looking at the sky. Francisco watches out for you at night due to the danger of the lizards all the time. Francisco spotted some giant things flying in the sky last week, he called them Giant Birds with claws on feet.
Deaths In Group
Today, everyone in the group were upset because Francisco was eaten today by the giant lizards that no one could stop. He was watching out for them but they came up behind him. They both attacked at same time, each lizard ate half of Francisco. The group is getting a little more concerned, your friends are telling you to focus on killing the giant lizards that keep eating our people. The last one the lizards got was Joanne as she was down by the river catching fish with her hands for everyone. She was great at catching fish, she will be missed by everyone. She had two children and now the group is caring for them. Her daughter cries at night because she misses her mother. Everyone says that we need a new home to protect us.
Moon Dreaming of New Home
Looking at the sky, you could see the Full Moon in the distance, this is a good omen you think. You lay down because you are tired and go to sleep. It is hard to sleep because of having to be on the lookout for the animals that want to eat you. While you are sleeping, you have this wonderful dream about this new place. You wake up “I know it is time because the Moon told me so.
Finding New Home
Now, you decide to find a new location like everyone wanted you to do. You are gone for 5 days and 5 nites. While you were sleeping, you had the same dream you had before about this wonderful place that your people could live in safety. As you walked up the side of an interesting hill, you spotted what looked like another village but there were no one around. Congratulation! You did your part now, you found a new location with a bigger cave but with a whole lot of giant stones around it. The giant stones will prevent the lizards and the bears from entering the cave so they can be safe again.
Fear of the Unknown
Everyone was afraid there might be more people living nearby because of what happened many Moons ago. A group of warriors attacked us and they were cannibals. They took two of our people, Rebecca and Tony to feast on. There was no Moon out the night our warriors visited them that week and killed all of them while they slept. They were so sure of themselves that they only had one lookout. Vittorio crawled up behind him and hit him with a stone club. The Warriors killed all the cannibals. We no longer have to worry about the cannibals. We tossed the bodies over the hill so the lizards could find them.
The Big Fire
The cave was in a great location, it looked like something had been there a long time ago. We found piles of bones in the ruins which looked like people bones. The bones were burnt and looked like the ones when we burn the bodies of our love ones. Our leader said they looked like the “Big Fire” bones our ancestors told us about. The “Big Fire” happened a long time ago and burned up everything. We also found pieces of smooth stones by an old campfire that had strange markings on them. One looked like a fish and the other looked like a bear. Others had lizards and birds on them.
Cave Was Full of Snakes
The cave was great, but we still had to kill and eat all the snakes in the cave. We had plenty to eat this past winter when the white stuff was on the ground. It is always cold when the white stuff is on the ground. We had lots of food after cooking the snakes. We had another one of our people die, Amy, she was bitten by a snake as she slept by her Mother and died. We burned her body yesterday as we looked at the Sun God in the Sky.
First Glimpse of Star Maps on Stones
Finally, I had time to look at the strange stones found near the other cave. Mario named them, “Cuneiforms” because it had strange markings on it and they reminded him of his woman. He had been looking at them for a long time and then all of a sudden it dawned on me to match the cuneiforms with the sky. As he held the torch up, you could see that some of the marks on the stones matched the stars in the sky. Wow, lets talk to Jeremiah that found the pile of stones out by a bunch of old stones in a row. Jeremiah tells you there are a lot of them where he found them in a hole in the stone wall. We go over there and there are hundreds of them with all kinds of symbols on them. Guess, I have my work cut out for me.
The Truth
Archeologists have their theory and I have mine. Theirs is about history and possibly a temple to the Dead. BS is my answer. It was about the Stars of the Universe and their use by mankind to help them have a better life. Looking at this picture above, you will see that Göbekli Tepe (Turkey) has a lot in common with Stonehenge’s layout (below) regarding the possible N, S, E & W Directions and the Stars of the Constellations.
No one is going to go to this much trouble unless the monument served a special purpose of telling people when to plant and when to harvest their crops. Archeologists say there is no evidence of farming in the area, more BS by them to cover their reputations. How can they prove this when you have 20,000 years of debris on top of the original soil. If we figure a debris drop of of 5 inches per 100 years. You will have about 10 to 20 feet fill of dirt on top of the original land depending upon the weather. All organic material like animal skins, wood and papyrus would have been eaten by Mold by the time they got to it. Each family would have had a small garden to eat and share with the others. Astrologer Priests were important in the old world Civilizations. They were revered as “The Wise Ones”. Remember, there was a lot of ignorance and superstition due to their lack of education. Fear of the unknown was prevalent then, due to all the animals and humans looking to kill one another for food.
Astrology’s New Beginning Again
This is how Astrology and Astronomy began again. “The Beginning” starts as the “Ending of the Last Civilization” is discovered in a pile of stones with strange markings on them. Each civilization ends due to some “Catastrophic Event”. The survivors always begin again. That is the Nature of the Human Race. This is only the beginning of the New Age of Astrology and Astronomy that began approximately 20,000 BC. Now we will show you “The Rest of the Story”.
Astrologer and Astronomer
The people thought he had strong medicine and thought he was important because he found their new home. Told them I wanted to build a observation tower to look at the sky and we could have a lookout for enemies at the same time. They agreed and the first Astrology and Astronomy Tower was built. This tower saved many a life when we saw giant 15′ tall bears or saber-tooth tigers looking for food. We were always on the lookout for enemies wanting to kill us for our food and meager possessions. I watched the Moon every-nite with my son who was just like me, curious. He noticed things that I did not. He once saw an object pass in front of the Moon. We knew this was a sign from the Gods that change was coming soon.
Reconstruction of Old Site
As all of us became more comfortable in our new homes, we felt safe at last from the giant lizards, 15′ tall bears and saber-tooth tigers that were always looking for food or water. We decided to add on to the existing ruins we found and started building a safer place to live. We looked at what the original people had done and copied their ideas. People thought it was nice to live outside the “Cave World” for a change.
Naming of Our New Home
Everyone got together and decided what we would call this place. We called it “Göbekli Tepe” after our friends Göbe and Kli that had been killed last week when they were out hunting for food. Göbe, Kli and Tepe faced the strange looking animal that was half man and half bull. Someone said they heard it was called a Minotaur. They had heard about them but never seen one. The battle lasted for several hours, Göbe and Kli were killed plus Tepe was wounded. He crawled off to recuperate for a while. He could barely walk. The Minotaur carried Göbe and Kli’s bodies off and ate them for dinner. When the Minotaur was finished eating, he laid down and went to sleep. Even though Tepe was wounded, he summoned up the strength to seek out the Minotaur and killed him. This is the story of why we called our new home, “Göbekli Tepe”.
End of Our Civilization
This time period we lived in we called it the “Time of Ice”. It was not an easy life but we survived for over 10,000 years. We improved our lives, lived in small villages and towns. We flourished during a really cold time but we adapted. When it got real cold, we would travel away from the Ice till it was warmer. Our Astrologer Priest would tell us when it was time to go home. When it got warmer, we would go back home. Our Astrologer Priest would always guide us when to do things such a traveling. Our food source was the large animals that we would trap and kill. Our enemies would come and try to kill us, but we fought them off and survived.
How We Lived
We crafted tools made of rocks, stone, wood and bone from the Mastodons. We hunted birds and anything else that we found as a food source, including fishing. Our women would go and collect berries, fruits, nuts and herbs for Medicine for the sick down by the river. Our Astrologer Priest’s Family always traveled with us, their families can be traced back to long ago to our fore fathers and mothers in the Sky. We all were happy till the weather started to change. This started slowly over many Moons. The old ones said that it started when they were children. It started to get warmer than it was when we were children too and the winds increased with a lot of rain. We noticed that the water levels of the river were getting higher. The rains would come and go but it seemed to get worse over time.
Our Travels
Our Astrologer Priest maintained records in stone because we knew the Black Stuff we called mold would destroy everything except stone. As time went on, we noticed the levels of the water were starting to flood our farming areas. Our Astrologer Priest said that this is new and in all the records that he had for Eons, this had never happened. They knew about the Fire Times and the Ice Times. The Medicine Man also said it was an omen of things to come. When we went north (between the Sun rising (right) and setting (left) we noticed the Ice was melting. It was also getting warmer during part of the many Suns and Moon times. We would count time by the number of Full Moons.
Several Generations Later
Everyone was concerned that maybe, we might have to move to a higher location. The Astrologer Priest knew they could not move all the thousands of cuneiforms (tablets with our language on it) so we made arrangements to bury them deep beneath the large alter that stood in the center of the circle. I helped them that day after we had the alter moved. The hole is about 20′ deep and 15′ wide. We buried all of them there so we could find them again if we survived. We covered the Circle of Göbekli Tepe with dirt so our enemies could not desecrate it later. I felt sad that day, but I know that another Astrologer Priest will tell people where they are. They are still there to tell the story of our generations who lived at Göbekli Tepe. My only wish is that someone will dig up our story about Göbekli Tepe.
The Move
Things started to get worse so we packed up our belonging and started heading South trying to avoid the water. It was not easy, the ground was wet from the constant rain. The children were crying and we had to deal with animals attacking our people during the march South. The smaller lizards were also attacking our people, normally, they avoided us because they were easy to kill for food. The warriors killed a lot of the animals that attacked our people. We lost Kevin and his women Karen yesterday. We saved their children. It was a sad day.
We continued on our journey and noticed the water was slowly getting even higher. The Astrologer Priests and the Medicine Man all got together and decided we should split into two groups. One should go South and one East toward the Rising Sun. We all said our goodbyes to each other and the journeys of our people continued. The water kept rising until a lot of the animals that were attacking us died from drowning in deep holes. We had to carry the children because of the water was up to our knees. We saw a hill in the distance and went up there to get out of the water. We were fine for a while. It kept raining and the water started rising on the hill.
The group heading South noticed that the water kept rising until we were trapped on a hill with no place to go. We tried to save our children but it was a horrible scene. My women died holding our child when a Saber Tooth Tiger attacked them. We were fighting off the Bears and other animals at the same time the water was rising. Many were killed by the animals that were trying to survive also. It was a terrible time to watch our “World End” as we all died there on top of that hill along with all the animals.
The Next Civilization
The other group from Göbekli Tepe was moving East toward the direction of the Rising Sun. We saw a large mountain in the distance. It looked so far away but we continued to save our families and our culture of Göbekli Tepe. We knew that to survive, we had to get to the top of the mountain ahead. On and on we walked, there was water but not as deep here as it was in the valley below. It was easier to walk than before but the water continued to get higher.
As we approached the mountain, the Astrologer Priest said we needed to get to the top of the mountain. As we started climbing the mountain, we watch as the water kept getting higher and higher but we kept climbing. As we climbed, we noticed the lizards and lot of the other animals were sliding and falling into the water due to the slope of the ground. When we got half way up, we found ancient steps that made it easier for us to continue going up. The water was still rising but was slowing down. We lost many of our people on this trek to survival. It took us several days to get to the top of the mountain.
Finally, we got to a level area on top of the mountain. All we could see in all directions was rain and water. It was a frightening experience. We all sat together waiting for the rain to stop. Everyone was tired and hungry. We had skins of animals that were sewn together that group sat under shielding us from the rain. The large animals never made it to where we were. We did see a lot of rats everywhere. We decided to call the place “Ararat” which means place of many rats in our language of Göbekli Tepe. We looked out in the distance and we saw an amazing sight. It was a extremely large boat. No one had ever seen one this big. Finally the rain stopped and we saw the Sun God come up. It had been almost to two Full Moons until the rain stopped. We had been saved by the Sun God said the Astrologer Priests. We set up our camp and decided to have a celebration of the rebirth of Göbekli Tepe here. We could still see the large boat below us in the water. Finally, the water level had dropped enough that the boat was on dry land many Suns later.
Some of the people were having a hard time breathing due to how high the mountain was. We ate and roasted the rats for food as there was nothing else to eat. Occasionally, we found a pig or a snake that managed to survive and ate them. There was plenty of firewood on the side of the mountain that had been floating in the water. We all had a feeling that the other group were all dead. Many of the women cried because they knew their relatives were gone. We felt the pain of losing them but we knew they were with the Sun God in the Sky. The Sun God was our protector. Our Astrologer Priest had a ceremony for our dead brothers and sisters, we mourned them for a period of one cycle of the Sun. When the mourning ceremony was finished, we started making plans for a new place to live.
Meeting With Noah
We were making plans to to descend the mountain to go back to Göbekli Tepe. As we looked out at the large boat, we saw a lot of animals being lead off of the large boat. We decided to wait till the animals were gone. About 2 Full Moons later, we got our stuff together and started down the mountain toward the large boat on the ground. When they saw us, the old man (Noah) told his people to get out the weapons to defend themselves. They were not too friendly when we saw them, but the Astrologer Priest spoke their language. Everyone calmed down because we were all lucky to be alive. We had a celebration with Noah and his family of roasted Lamb. Noah told us that all the people of the Earth were dead and we were the only ones left. Our Astrologer Priest did not believe the Noah. A lot of our people became very despondent and angry due to the statements by this old man (Noah). He thought he was special, but we knew he was just a old man. After a few days with them, we decided to go West to find our home in Göbekli Tepe again. The Astrologer Priests had looked at the sky and said it was time to go home to Göbekli Tepe, it was right after the New Moon that we started.
Trip Back To Göbekli Tepe
As we traveled West, everything was strange looking. The landscape had changed so much due to the massive flooding. We did not recognize anything like we saw on the way there. The forests were gone, you could see stumps where the original trees where. Piles of dead tress were every where. There were dead animals laying on the ground and in the water. Sometimes we would see dead bodies of people that drowned in the flood. The flies were terrible due to all the dead creatures. The smell was terrible. We saw dead small and giant lizards, Saber Tooth Tigers, giant Bears and many other creatures. Everything looked bleak and strange. We kept going West following the Setting Sun.
Our Disappointment
People were getting hungry so we had to stop and catch fish for a few day due to the fact there were no animals like Deer or anything. Our warriors would go out and find nothing alive, only dead bodies with flies and mosquitoes. Near the water, the mosquitoes were horrible except when the Sun was high in the sky. There was plenty of fish but that was it. We did catch an occasional water snake for dinner. We did not starve and we thanked the Sun God everyday.
Meeting Another Group
As we continued West for many Moons toward the Setting Sun we saw nothing for days. Puddles and ponds of drying water. Dead trees were everywhere. It was hot and wet in the air. One day the warriors came back from hunting and said they found a small group of people ahead about one day walk. The Astrologer Priest and the Medicine Man sat down and talked about what to do. They thought this might be a good omen, so we traveled to their location and found them. One of our people knew one of these people and spoke their language. They said that all of their people had perished in the flood. They were lucky that they were on a boat when all this happened. They were on their way to another area to trade and buy food but there was nothing but water when they got there. They told us that they nearly died due to all the water and rain that almost sank their boat.
Our Astrologer Priest decided it was time to seek Divine Inspiration from the Sun God. He went off to his abode and lay down to sleep. In his dream, he was flying in the air across many lands and saw many small groups of people that survived the Flood. The Sun God was telling him that the people of Earth have a chance at a “New Beginning Again”. The Sun God told him for the people to build a new home where they were and things will slowly get better. The area was good, there was a river nearby so we could fish. Life was slowing getting better.
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