Fixed Stars Work In Specific Ways

Fixed Stars: A Planet in your chart that is conjunct. opposition, parallel or contra-parallel to a Fixed Star is acting like a receiver for the energy from that Fixed Star. It is the same as when your Smart Phone receives a text or a phone call from someone else. This stored energy is energized during a transit to the Planet from the Fixed Stars and then manifests itself thru the Planet or other points in the Chart, These points are generally along the Ecliptic such as the Vertex, Midheaven, IC, Descendant or Ascendant. Fixed Stars

This manifestation depends upon the Brightness of the Fixed Star. The brightest being classed or Magnitude as #1 and is the strongest. Each Fixed Star has energies that are beamed toward these points and are usually a combination of Positive and Negative. An example would be: Jupiter/Saturn for one or Saturn/Mars as another. Some Fixed Stars such as Algol can be very negative or destructive but are transformative in Nature. The Astrology Chart of the event will show this. Example: The recent Hurricane Beryl had a Uranus conjunction with Algol in Chart for the Texas longitude and was very destructive. It showed the problems in their Infrastructure concerning water drainage, sewer limitations and how outdated it really was. That is leading to a change in Texas because of Algol uncovering these hidden limitations by Politicians or County Officials not wanting to spend money to update the infrastructure. It also makes the Public aware that they need to spend more tax money so their houses or roads will not flood again.algol calling

Fixed Stars are very important points in your chart. Much more important than some rock called an Asteroid. The claim that Asteroids work is false because there is a Fixed Star in the Chart doing what this Astrologer is claiming. Only research will verify this view in the future. The Fixed Stars and the Planets is all you need to be a good Astrologer. Oh, forgot, the points on the Ecliptic also.

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