How The Fixed Star Bellatrix Works

Fixed Star Bellatrix at 21°19″ Gemini:  This star give the ability to achieve high positions such as a CEO, Civil Servant or in the Military. These people like to achieve positions of power thru hard work. They exhibit competitiveness and have a quick mind that is very organized. Their talent is seeing the strategy of the situation before most people see what is really going on, then they move quickly to achieve a goal. This is a good talent people in the Military or being a Politician.Bellatrix

Bellatrix also has a negative side of being rash, headstrong and making decisions too quickly. It makes people do forceful things so they can get their way. Getting the last word in is a prime example. They have a hard time making the right decisions due to their lack of patience. It is important that they need to think the problem out to the end before acting. This can cause failure in their many enterprises. Beware of acting on road rage that this could result in an accident and serious injury. Fighting for the sake of just fighting is a futile endeavor. Never take on a lost cause that cannot be won. Transits to this location can be either result in negative or positive results depending upon the Planet.Bellatrix

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