
Venus Retrograde Time Again

Venus Retrograde March 1-27 in Aries entering Pisces March 27 to April 12 then Direct How To Survive A Venus Retrograde in 2025 1. One of the Important things of this Transit of Venus is not make impulsive decisions about relationships. This is the time when you will screw up big time if you are […]


What Is Saturn In Pisces Showing Us?

Saturn in Pisces: The Need For Psychological Counseling Saturn in Pisces: Pisces rules the unseen world of reality. Looking at the Internet and calls from past clients, I guess Saturn in Pisces is revealing all the people who need Therapy. Astrologers are not Therapists and need to refer these types of people to a professional. […]


What Rules Lovers In Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Lovers Lovers are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Love is Neptune and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Lovers. Lovers: Are You compatible with other Astrology signs? Lovers: Determining the compatibility of your partner, love interest, or friendships can be easily accomplished by looking at your zodiac sign. Some […]


Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 11th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 11th House Friends are wanting to spend more time with you. Good time to socialize or meet new acquaintances thru old friends. Being social will help you enjoy your life right now. Avoid negative people if the Moon is badly aspected, they could cause problems. Children will call or […]


Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 7th House

Lunar Return Chart Moon in the 7th House Good time to have fun with others. Phone calls from long lost friends to check in and see how you are doing. Time to catch up. Good time to shine, so dress right to impress others with the new you. If you are single, the opportunity to […]


Lunar Return Moon in the 5th House

Lunar Return Moon in the 5th House This will be more of a fun month if you can pull yourself away from work and responsibilities. Friends can be a good source of fun activities. Others could stimulate your mind and body if you connect in a good way. Taking a lighthearted approach toward life will […]


Save A Relationship According To Astrology

Relationships According To Astrology Understanding the differences between zodiac signs and each sign’s weaknesses become deadly to a relationship. Some things may be quite normal for one zodiac sign, but totally unacceptable for the other. Astrology is here to prevent you from making a mistake and help you save your relationship! An Aries has the […]