Fixed Stars

Neptune in Aries: Religion and The Draft

Neptune in Aries 2025 – 2039 As Neptune moves into Aries next month, a new Revolution is brewing regarding Religion is in the making. Religion needs to update to a newer version or there will be a “Revolution in Religion”. This also includes Astrology and other Psychic practices. A good example is Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism […]


Ceres the Dwarf Planet Repeater of Fixed Star Light Energy

Ceres enters Aries In May 2025 Ceres is a Dwarf Planet and is smaller than Pluto but does have a core and a mantle. It is approximately 585 miles in diameter. Ceres has a Gravitational Field of 0.284 m/s2 which makes it a genuine repeater for Fixed Star Light Frequency Energy. In comparison to the […]


Warning Rated XXX: Kamala Harris: She Made The Best Decision of Her Life

Kamala Harris: Should I Sign My Life Away To Them or Should I Go My Own Way Everyone is upset that Kamala Harris lost the election, the truth being, she did not want to be the President of the United States. She liked being the Vice President. Everyone one else wanted her to be President. […]


What Is The Fixed Star Zosma?

How The Fixed Star Zosma Can Help In Your Life. Fixed Star: Zosma 11°39’ Virgo Leo Constellation Declination 20°23’ Zosma is located on the back of the Lion. These people are smart with the strength and courage to be themselves. If handled in a positive way, this leads to improvement in your life and leadership […]


What Is The Fixed Star Denebola?

Denebola Is Located 21°58’ Virgo: Denebola is a Fixed Star located in the Lion’s tail of the Leo Constellation. If this star is tied to you in your chart in a positive way, it gives you the ability to make fast decisions based upon your intuition. People have a sense of confidence in you when […]


What Will Harris Do Regarding Her Dilemma With Denebola?

Do I Sign With The Devil or Do I Go My Own Way? The Tertiary Moon (11/1/24) is now conjunct the Natal Pluto and moving forward to the Tertiary Pluto/Uranus conjunction. This represents the choice she will have to make within the next few days. Pluto is the “Devil in Disguise” who gives us choices. […]


Fixed Stars Influence in the Astrology Chart

How Fixed Stars Influence the Planets Fixed Stars: Most people think that the Fixed Stars are bad such as Algol. Let me be clear about Fixed Stars, they are all good and act like an amplifier in the chart. If you have a Fixed Star conjunct a badly aspected Planet such as Mercury, the person […]


Fixed Stars and Modern Meanings

Fixed Stars Need Updating to 21 Century Fixed Stars: For a Fixed Star to be active in your chart, it needs to be within an orb of one degree either direction. This is a precise measurement in the chart, not the usual crap shoot some Astrologers use. It can have an impact on any planet […]


Fixed Star: Bellatrix 21° 19″ Gemini

How The Fixed Star Bellatrix Works Fixed Star Bellatrix at 21°19″ Gemini:  This star give the ability to achieve high positions such as a CEO, Civil Servant or in the Military. These people like to achieve positions of power thru hard work. They exhibit competitiveness and have a quick mind that is very organized. Their […]


Fixed Stars: Why The Fixed Stars Are Affecting The Weather

Weather Events Caused By Fixed Stars Fixed Stars: One of the most controversial topics in Modern Day Astrology is Fixed Stars. Modern day Astrologers have replaced the time tested Fixed Stars by rocks from the Asteroid Belt. Fixed Stars have a history of research back thousands of years where the rocks called Asteroids only go […]


How Fixed Stars Work

Fixed Stars Work In Specific Ways Fixed Stars: A Planet in your chart that is conjunct. opposition, parallel or contra-parallel to a Fixed Star is acting like a receiver for the energy from that Fixed Star. It is the same as when your Smart Phone receives a text or a phone call from someone else. […]