Quadrants of Astrological Chart

Quadrants of Astrological Chart
A chart is a circle which can be broken down into parts of a circle. If you put a plus in the middle of the circle, you get parts of the circle that is divided into different areas or quadrants. These quadrants help you to define how we delineate the chart. The middle line separates the top from the bottom. The top part of the circle represents the public side of your life. The bottom part of the circle represents the private side of your life. This is the simplest way to start to understand a chart. It helps you understand what type of person they are. They can be outer directed in life or more private in their life. Most charts are a combination of both personalities.
We are not going to get into the different types of hemispheres which can be very confusing and will be covered in a later lesson.
Briefly, if you have multiple planets in the bottom of the chart, you will be a more private person. The same is opposite, if you have multiple planets in the top of the chart, you a more concerned with the public side of life.
The four quadrants are expressions of who you are.
- The first is who you are and your talents along with communication skills.
- The second is home, creative skills and ability to heal your health
- The third is relationships, dealing with others over money and communication skills with others.
- The fourth is your career, hopes and dreams for the future along with unconscious thoughts about yourself.
As planets transits these areas, these issues will come to the surface to be dealt with depending upon which planet it is. There is much more information that can be added to these quadrants but will be dealt with later in the lessons.
Eastern Hemisphere
The Astrology Chart is split into two different hemispheres: east (left) and west (right). The Eastern Hemisphere in Astrology is the area of the sky that is east of the observer’s meridian. This hemisphere emphasizes the emphasizes the individual’s inner world, personal growth of you, who you are, your self-motivation and what you can create on your own. There is also a spiritual emphasis from the 12th House energy.
Western Hemisphere
On the other hand, the western hemisphere is more about how we react to other people. There are many influences such as people, workers, creative projects, ideas, and the public.
Northern Hemisphere
The Northern Hemisphere is the Houses 1 through 6. This is the lower half of the circle or also referred to as “below the horizon”. Houses 1 thru 6 are your personal houses and how we develop ourselves in life. In simplest form “Our Identity”. If you have a lot of planets in this area, there is a tendency to be more private regarding your life.
Southern Hemisphere
The Southern Hemisphere is the Houses 7 thru 12. This is the upper half of the circle or also referred to as “above the horizon” Houses 7 through 12 are your public houses and how we express ourselves to other people. In its simplest form “Their Identity”. If you have a lot of planets in this area, there is a tendency to be outer directed in your life.